Putting the past behind me part 2

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Stella pov: i'm getting ready to go out with Kelly tonight and it's almost 9 so hopefully he'll be here soon.  As an ad in the finishing touches I get a text from Kelly
  Sorry might be there later than nine maybe 10 can't wait to see you babe
so I just hang out for a while and 10 o'clock comes around still no Kelly I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Renee about 15 minutes past 10 o'clock I hear somebody knocking on my door like thank God
  H= hey I finally got the replacement for the overhead fixture it's frosty this time it's pretty nice right
S= it is perfect for collecting Dead bugs yes
H= OK I was about to bust and I thought you were going out with severide tonight
S= yeah he called he's running a little late he said he'll be here by 10 he just helping Renee kid  with something
H= helping a little kid.  What a jerk that severide is
S= well the kid is not the problem there is something about Renee I just don't I just got it bad hit
H= yeah because she's a Wackadoo
S= no  that's the thing I am not so sure she is
H= I listen enough sitting on here brooding all right
S= I am not brooding
H= yes you are
S= all right
H= and I got a better use for your time I send it she went to her book club tonight and the kids are killing me, Luke needs help with his homework, Kenny will not come out of the bathroom and Annabelle is asking me to do something called a mermaid Braid whatever the hell that is
S= OK you were just asking me for help out for pity but I will admit  that I am highly gifted at braiding let's go
H= ok
( as I am walking down to Herman's house I send a text to Kelly to let him know when he comes by I will be inside Herman's house not at my little apartment)
          The next day on shift 

Kelly's pov: I stop by the place that has the information that I need that I need to help Renee for her on her case. I'm sitting there waiting to get what I need when the commissioner walks by and sees me sitting there.

Cm= hey Benny's  what are you doing here
K= commissioner hi I'm waiting for ofi to copy some files for legal case I'm it's not poured how are you sir
Cm= hey I'm busy you know busy busy busy hey sit with me for a minute.  so I understand you came up under Carl Grissom
K= yeah
Cm= The mayor asking me to recommend my replacement to endorse somebody
K= ok
Cm= well you worked under two of the four owners battalion chief  boden and deputy district chief Grissom. So I want The straight skinny if you were in my shoes who would you pick
K= commissioner I'm not  my father I'm just a lieutenant with a spotty discipline record
Cm= I know you are Kelly that's why am asking for 10 the choice is yours to make who was going to be the next commissioner
    I froze  that's like asking a parent to pick the favorite child so I answer that I have to go to work.
At the firehouse
Kelly's pov: I get to the firehouse I feel bad that the two people who has helped me the most be where I am today are going up to the same job and the commissioner wants me to pick who I think should get the job to me that's not fair I think it should be boden  but I'm not gonna say that because that's like favoritism. I walking to the firehouse I see Stella and Matt talking so I go over to them
Ca= hey Kelly are you coming in late today
K= I was getting things for the case when I needs my help on and I bumped into commissioner he wanted me to pick who I think should get the job between
Boden and  Grissom
S=. That's crazy
K= what was I supposed to say He still the fire commissioner. I can't refuse a direct question from him
Ca= there are diplomatic ways to sidestep that sort of thing like " sorry commissioner but that's  Way above my pay grade"
K= you know I tried that it didn't work can imagine  boden threatening retaliation i'll get someone the way Grissom did to me I mean I have  a real  soft spot for Grizz  that is not the kind of person that we need as a commissioner. We need boden
S= I think you did the right thing come what may
Ca= yeah let the chips fall
K= yeah easy for you to to say you're not the one with the target painted on your back
Ca= deep down Grissom is a politician and politicians go whichever way the wind blows boden makes commissioner Grissom  will fall right in line
K=(laughs) if you say so
S= I trust the former Alderman
( Matt walked away I think Kelly hates what position he is in right now)
S= are you all right
K= yeah I'm OK I'm just going through a lot
( tony walks in)
T= Lieutenant you better get out on the floor
( me and Kelly look at each other knowing who might be out there)
Rs= you would be you would be a deer
Cz= what about me
Rs= no it's a no
K= hey nick
Rs= Kelly
K= sup bud
Rs= I made it
K= for me
Rs= because you fix my bed
K= (laughs) that's pretty nice you think I'll be able to set an hour to drive it
Rs= maybe if you eat less

Stella pov: once we walk outside we see Renee son having a talk with Capp and Cruz.  Then Nick sees Kelly so he runs  over toward Kelly and they started talking. Kelly and Nick are talking I so you Renee over by the trucks watching her son so go over and talk with her

R= hey Stella
S= hey
R= Nicky spent all morning on that he was so determined to get it done
S= he's a sweet kid
R= oh thank you
S= and I have  got to give it to you for pulling out  all the stops
R= i'm not sure I know what you mean
S= i'll come on the job that suddenly when you close. A cute kid look whatever you up to on this going to warn you now do not mess with Kelly
R= excuse me
S= you heard me
  Once I told her that she walked away and it was time for lunch so I got my plate and sat down then Herman sat down beside me and asked me about what happened with  Renee early
H= what was that business out there with Renee
S= what business
H= don't even I saw you
S= Renee and Kelly may be working on a case together that's fine but now she knows not to angle for anything more than I might go on a little psycho but a girls got to get Proactive sometimes  all right
H= yea
   Stella pov I want to tell Renee don't try to come back in a Kelly's like just because you have a kid and you know he loves kids so much I told her stay away because I'm done dealing with things coming in between  relationships with Kelly first of my ex Grant then with the hoe bag hope and now her  nope so I stood my ground against Renee I am proud of myself

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