Where is stella

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Kellys pov: it's been a strange few months after I decide to ask  Stella to marry me which of course she said yes then me and all the squad we got into a little boating accident but luckily we all got out alive. Then Stella got a opportunity to go to Boston to spend her girls on fire program which she took it without no hesitation, I am so proud of her for that, while Stella was away Casey decided to leave Chicago because he needed to go to Oregon to help Griffin and Ben Darden or else they would been  put in foster care. Which now makes me be the only one and apartment without anybody else which feels weird to me, anything that has been studying since both of them or not here has been that cruise and his wife Chloe has welcome their  baby boy which they named Otis, right now I am in the apartment getting ready to head off to shit before I do I go and check my phone to see if Stella has text me back which she hasn't so head off to work and I went into Lieutenant Pelham abs we get to talking

TL= giant tower downtown and he resident apartment building we were like the fourth truck on scene
K= all of  51 was there
TL= really
K= Yeah Cruz meet His wife in that building
TL= wait were you the rescue guy who carried the kid outside the window and Down a floor
K= there was no other way out
TL= I was swapping my air bottle out in the street and I looked  up and my  jaw dropped
K= anyone and see if he would have done The same thing

That is kind of funny that I found out that we both were at the same apartment building a couple years back and we never realize it until now, Before we can go in to the morning briefing we are first called a shift which happens to be a Christmas tree in the middle of downtown that Felton many people only one person really got majorly heart once he was talking to med everyone head back to the firehouse

K= hey Pelham
TL= hi
K= Nice work back there
TL= it was all them ( points at gallo and mouch) they make a lieutenant look good

A  while later I decide to clean up the tools that are in our squad truck while I'm doing that .

KY= hey
K= hey Kylie
KY= chief Boden wants to see you

I had to the Chiefs office

K= you are asking for me chief
CB= I was just take a seat ( he does) look I don't want to mix personal business in fire house business but I believe I need to make an exception
K= okay
CB= Stella Kidd she was approved for  furlough for four weeks now and the fact that she was taking girls on fire to a new city that's well that's just a kid that I know and appreciate
K= but
CB= four weeks became eight Boston became Concord became Philadelphia now I was willing to help her cove the additional furlough but now after she knew that we had an open spot for a truck Lieutenant she didn't immediately come and claim it so you tell me is there something more going on here I'm not seeing
K= I appreciate you coming to me with thud cheif I'm in the same boat Casey told Stella he was leaving I told her there was this floater Lieutenant who was impressing everyone and it's like she didn't hear me she was so gung Ho about expanding girls on fire that everything seems to go into one ear abs out the other
CB= here's the hard truth Pelham is a top tier Lieutenant if I don't hear form Stella that she really wanted this job by the end of next shift I'm going be forced to make a difficult decision
K= I will convey that message

I leave the chiefs office I am not really surprised that he gave me this  Ultimate so once I leave his office I head outside to call Stella to give her the message but of course I have to leave her a voicemail

K= hey Stella give me a call when you can okay it's important ( hangs up)
WS= If memory serves me and I'm told I have a hell of a memory you owe me a beer
K= I vaguely recall something like that
WS= mm like an elephant plus I want you to look over some crime scene photos
K= so you came all the way over here to show me pictures you could have emailed
WS= I know you can't duck me while your on shift
K= fine ( laughs) let me see the envelope
WS = not a chance meet me at the map room bar tonight at 8 pm and I know my winning smile and flawless personality may not seal the deal but you can't resist what have I in this envelope you're an arson investigation through abs through you know and I know it

I guess I'll meet Wendy at this bar later on to see what she has besides I need something to take my mind off of the Stella stuff . The rest of shift went pretty well  later that night  I go to the bar to meet Wendy

WS= if you look here, here and here you can see the origin points is the transformer next to the  factory right
K= at first blush I'll give you that
WS= which the insurance company is fraud department took as Cause to rule an accidental
K= but that's not what you think or I wouldn't be sitting here you got a blue print
WS= yea ( pulls it out)
BW= are you guys Chicago pd or something
WS= arson investigator
BW= cool
WS= you see cool
K= do you know if this door was forced open the one between the factory floor and the chemical storage vault because these claw marks looks like they came from a crowbar like the one you would find in the back of a car not from a Haligan that the fire department would use during the incident if this door was open before the fire was set the arsonists could count on the change in air flow to bring fresh air inside the building ( looks at her) but you already knew that ( laughs)
WS= it's fun watching you work
K= I knew you were up to something
WS= all right come on severide come back to ofi I'm begging you I man van metter is great but you and mr we're the avengers
K= I'm not leaving the squad anytime soon
WS= you keep saying that but someday this is going to happen just so you know
K= thank you for a nice night out I needed this
WS= how are things going with Kidd
K= excuse me can I get another one ( to the bartender)
WS= well if you excuse me I'm gonna hit the ladies don't go anywhere cause I have more cases for you to agree with me on

When Seager leaves to use the restroom I check my phone to see if Stella has call or messages me so I end up staying about another hour with Seager at the bar it was a nice distraction , but I am still wondering why Stella hasn't called me back the next day on shift I know I am running out of time so I head to the chiefs office to tell him what's going on

K= chief
CB= Kelly
K= I left Stella several messages but she went dark on me she's never done that before I don't know what's going on anymore If she cares if she doesn't I can't tell you because I don't know
CB= then I am very sorry to hear that
K= I am too chief ( he leaves his office)

I can't believe that this has happened Stella has never not called me back like this I have no clue what to do . I hope she either answered me soon or she shows up and explain everything to me . After shift I go and do something to get my mind off of Stella it worked for a little bit then I went home, right when I open the door I get the surprise of a lifetime because Stella us there

S= hey Kelly .....

To be continued ............................

Authors note; sorry this chapter is shorter than normal that is all I got from stellaride in this episode, also sorry it took so long to post a chapter but there hasn't been much stellaride because Stella was gone. I called that would happen when I learned that Stella's was coming back it would be at the very end of the episode I hate they did that . That part made me mad . The other part that makes me made is how they are writing Stella this season

My thoughts on the episode: first of all poor old man that looks like Santa gets hurt by the Christmas trip. Gallo you are dumb for breaking up with that girl at that moment. First of great job Ritter but then you didn't write down the recipe for the beer nice going . I think Violet is crushing on the paramedic cheif Hawkins and same with him . We learned that Pelham was at the high rise fire a few season back where Stella got hurt that's kind of funny. Now onto the Stellaride part of the episode how Sad was it to see Kelly being all alone in that apartment without Casey and Stella. Also in the text message we saw it looks like Kelly calls Stella babe which is cute. To me it's funny that the cheif wants to talk to Kelly about Stella when he doesn't want to mix personal business and firehouse but he had to in thud case please tell me what you think of this chapter and this episode

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