Stella is the best

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Stella's POV: It's been a couple weeks since I am officially been living with Kelly again and it's been amazing waking up to Kelly every morning. Today is shift day and we all are getting dressed into our work clothes while I was putting my stuff away in my locker  I hear Joe start going on about his upcoming wedding with the other guys
CZ-= monogram napkins monogram cutely they can even put our initials in the wedding cake
M= what kind of cake
CZ= that's another decision we have to make uh no Chloe made this ( shows off his wedding binder) to keep track of it all., work 27 flavors to choose from and I didn't even know that there were 27 flavors
M= Focus on the positive Cruz  got a bachelor party coming up right
CZ= ugh Great something else I need to play
HC= I hope they have gluten-free options gluten is poison

As the guys continue to talk I walk over to Kelly's side of the lockers to see if he heard all of it that Joe was talking about

K= I think I left my wallet
S= did you not even here Cruz spinning out just now
K= yeah weddings
S= Kelly you're his best man he needs your help
K= Okay as soon as I find my wallet
S= Okay well ( pulls the wallet out of my pocket and handed it over to kelly) you left it on the kitchen counter aren't you glad I moved in
K= ( laughs) yeah I am ( they kiss)

Once I give him his wallet and a kiss I walk away and go get me some coffee and maybe some food before one of the girls goes off to go to a call. Kelly finally starts trying to be the best man. We get called to the scene within 20 minutes about a gas leak before we can even get inside the house it blows up. And then me and Gallo gets sent in to rescue a little girl that was trapped inside. Once we got her to safety and onto the stretcher in headed off to med  with Brett and Foster, I noticed that gallo was looking at his hand a little too much like it may have got injured.

S= Great work in there you all right
BG= I just ..... I can't .... I just it's nothing
MC= what a doctor make that call we'll  drop you off at med
BG= Yeah

We drop him off at med to get his hand checked out about 30 minutes later he comes back

S= hey how's the arm
BG= like I said no big deal
S= nice and uh the little girl form the fire
BG= uh they uh put her in a coma because of the pain
S= hey the  girl could've died you gave her a chance
BG= yeah

He walks away I am a little worried about him so I will probably be checking in on him throughout the day. Later on I see that he's checking the truck tires to see if there's a leak

S= we got a leak
BG= I don't know why
S= you check those tires at the top of shift
BG= yeah I figured I'd check them again
S=  all right knock yourself out ( walks over to squad three table where some guys are at ) hey boys you hear gallo got cooked this morning welcome him to the club
All= hey ( cheer)
CZ= you're A real fire fighter now
S= hey Herman show him your scar
H= shut up all right look ( Lifts up his shirt) back in 92 I pulled a couple of newlyweds out of a burning vehicle Cindy said it kind of  looks like Texas
CZ= ( pulls down his shirt to show off his neck) Burning embers got caught up in my collar at a boarding school fire about six years ago hey Tony show him your ears
TF= ( shows his scar on his ear) always wear your hood gallo
BG= okay ( to Stella) where was yours
S= ha Nice try only Kelly gets to see that one come on show them the goods ( he does)
All= ouch
HC= well done
H= yeah well you lucked out if you had if it had been your other arm you'd have to say goodbye to Violet Fitbit
CZ= excellent placement Gallo ladies are going to be able to see that even if you don't roll  up your sleeves
BG= yeah I planned it like that
( Gallo walks away and Kelly comes out on the apparatus floor)
K= hey cruz Cruz
CZ= yeah
K= Heard back from my buddy Mark as he owns this great club in the West Loop said we can buy out the whole place for a song you be there tomorrow at five for a walk-through
CZ= Great absolutely

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