Story 69: My So Called Girlfriend Is Casper The Ghost

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Requested by samunckin ! May you enjoy this story (:
BTW Zoe and Connor are not related in this story !!


Every day was the same.

I roamed around a house with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, basement, a large living room, and a backyard.

I looked out the windows and sighed. I was stuck here and hated it.

My name is Connor Murphy. I was an only child with two parents- except they were never present. They always left for family trips and I was alone- and with the constant bullying at school, no social life, anxiety-

You know, I think you'll know what happened to me in the end.

And now I haunt this house- well, haunt isn't really the word I would use. I just float around and whisper vine references into peoples ears and look at what they do.

I was so bored.

That is, until Evan Hansen moved in.

That boy is amazing- with his sandy blonde hair and shiny eyes and soft skin, he was unique. His mom was pretty was well, but getting tired from all her efforts.

After about a month of watching Evan, I decided that I had to talk to him.

I knew just how.

*** *** *** ***

Evan stayed in his room, typing away. His letters to himself were getting easier to write every day, so that was great news. He felt more confident in himself, with who he was.

One thing he still didn't like about himself- he was too shy to make any friends.

The community Evan lived in was mostly loud and snobbish- but he wanted someone. Jared could be a dick sometimes.

So it came to him by surprise when someone was knocking on his door. His mom was in the hospital working, so who would visit?

He opened the door to a girl around his age. She had brown hair with blue eyes, with a black sweatshirt and jeans with brown boots.

"Hi, my name's... Zoe! Just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood!"

Evan was blown away. Not by how she looked- she was pretty, but not his type- but the fact that someone wanted to talk to him.

"O-Oh! Thank you!" Evan stammered.

Zoe laugher, and Evan felt his heart suddenly flutter. Her laughter seemed different, and her voice was weirdly masculine, like it didn't place her, but it was a silver bell. It would make him smile any day.

"Wanna come in?" Evan gestured to the inside of his house, and Zoe obliged.

*** *** *** ***

Evan and Zoe would hang out every day after Evan got out of school and on the weekends. He loved spending time with her, especially since there was no other way of communicating with her- she didn't have a phone and she didn't want Evan meeting her family.

Well, that didn't bother Evan. He developed a crush on her- she was funny, had a good sense of humor, and even though she might have looked like an emo girl- she was someone Evan wanted to be with.

One day, Evan sat in his bed reading Magnus Chase: Sword of Summer when Zoe walked in.

Evan closed his book and stared at her. "How did you get in here?"

Zoe closed the door and locked it.

She then transformed to a transparent boy.

Evan screamed like a girl going through puberty and threw his book at her-him, and it went through him.

"I told you not to freak out." Zoe mumbled.

"WHATS GOING ON?!" Evan screamed.

Zoe sighed. Her long brown hair turned into a bit shorter, dark brown. Her skin paled and her body was skinner, and fit more for a teenage boy.

"I'm not really who you think I am."


"Just let me start over, okay?"

Even with this universal shapeshifter of a creature in his room, he couldn't say no. Whoever this was, their voice was the same- angelic. Evan loved that voice. It was enough to persuade him to say yes.

The creature hopped on Evan's bed, and didn't make anything move. Didn't even cast a shadow.

"My name is Connor Murphy. I'm a ghost who's wandered and been trapped in this house for 4 years- but I was 16 when I died. I've been watching you ever since you moved in here."

Evan just sat there, shocked.

A ghost.

In his house.

Watching him.

"And I just wanted to say..." Connor looked down to fiddle with his thumbs, his face turning a grey color, "I really like you."

Evan wanted to say something, tell him to get out and stop. But he couldn't. The boy was downright gorgeous, and his voice, again, was making swoon over in love.

Connor looked up at Evan, and Evan then realized that the grey on his face was blush.

Connor was blushing.

"Can we keep doing this? I'd like to get to know you better." Connor said, giving a perfect smile.

Evan held out his hand. "Hello Casper, I'm Evan Hansen."

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