Story 24: Prison AU (Part 3)

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Sincerely Three?

It had been 3 months since Evan Hansen has been in this prison, and he's gotten used to it. Every day he wakes up in Connor's beloved arms and eats breakfast with Jared, and then they all do their work, eat at night, and then go to sleep for the day.

Right now, Evan was doing laundry. He took out the similar orange jumpsuits from the dryer and folding them neatly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the door burst open, Officer Alana marching.

She marched towards one of the prisoners and pulled his neck against the wall, choking him. The prisoner gasped for breath.

"I heard some... suspicion going on in your nature." Alana spit out.

The prisoner shook his head in fear and shame. Alana grabbed the man's collar and grabbed his collar, dragging him out of the room.

Evan stared in awe.

"What happened?" Evan whispered to the person next to him.

"That bitch snitch Zoe saw him trading another officer's baton with some guy and reported him to Officer Alana."

Evan's eyes grew wide in fear. Please no.

"Was the other guy visible?" He asked again.

"No, just his arms."

"Anything specific with his arms?" Please no no no

"I heard he had dried scratches on them."

No.. Evan thought, not Foxy. He always scratches himself lines for the months he'd spent at the prison.

"Did they catch the other guy?" Evan asked, yet again.


Evan let out a sigh in relief. Jared could never get caught, he was the sneaking master.

Later that day, Connor and Evan ran to Jared and hugged him.

"Foxy, you are a god yet again." They murmured.

Jared nodded, and grinned.

"My dear foxlings, we have an advantage no one else does." Jared grinned.

*** *** *** ***

Jared always traded, no doubt about it. But, with his skills of being silent and quick, he really was the definition of a 'sly fox'.

But one day, all prisoners were to be in straight lines outside of their cells for some reason.

With their backs straight, arms beside their sides, and their eyes straight ahead, they awaited for the sudden notice.

And out came Officer Alana.

She marched through all the prisoners, eyeing every single one.

"As you may know, any giving of utensils and illegal actions is forbidden here in Beckington. And all have been discovered and punished."

Everyone nodded. They were supposed to nod if she said a rule, or else, it seemed as if she was lying.

And no one wanted to get her mad.

"All except one."

Evan quickly glanced at Connor, who eyed his quickly, and then at Jared, who was across from them.

"There has been one certain prisoner who has not only stolen and have been handed down instruments of harm of useless, but he has done the worst of all- taken an officer's weapon and hid it for good use, and planned a suicidal escape."

Evan immediately felt himself starting to sweat.

"Jared Kleinman." Alana ordered, and as on cue, stood before him. She might have been around his age, but Jared was short compared to her.

Evan gulped, looking at Jared's feared face along with everyone else.

"You have hear by been punished by 6 days of solitude, and then execution."


Everyone gasped slightly and stared at eachother.


Evan started to tear up, and Connor held his hand so he could calm down. Connor was devastated.


Jared's face grew extremely pale, and his hands began to shake. Alana stared at him in rage and disapointment.


The words filled the air, bouncing around from person to person, cell to cell, wall to wall.
There were rarely any cases of execution.

Jared sprinted towards Evan and Connor and held their hands. Tears brimmed his frantic eyes.

"I'm sorry I never got to show you more, I'm sorry I never got to spend more time you guys, and I'm sorry for never letting myself tell the truth."

Two officers pulled Jared's hands apart from the two other boys and put it behind his back, getting a barbed wire and wrapping it right. Tears started rolling down Jared's cheeks as he was pulled away. He was maybe halfway down the hallway when he kicked one of the officers in the balls. Making a sprint for it, Jared ran towards Evan and Connor again and started to sob.


The two officers ran over and pulled Jared aback, making Jared cry harder.


Jared broke down sobbing as both officers literally dragged him down the hall.
Evan started crying as he witnessed Jared being torn away.

"FOXY!" He cried.

The officers an Jared were long gone, going through the metal doors, who locked behind them.

Officer Alana went to one of the prisoners in the line and kissed their nose.

"Good job, Star." Alana smiled, Zoe smiling as well.

Officer Alana went through another door, locking it behind her as well.

Evan fell into Connor's chest, sobbing, Connor brimming a few years.

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