Story 34- How I Make My Oneshots! 4K Special!

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BTW- I will be writing a oneshot within a oneshot about how I write my oneshots. Also, side note and fun fact i make my special oneshots 1K words and ive had to redo this 3 times because it never freaking saves and im tired, hope you enjoy!

Cami leaned against her chair, looking at the computer screen before her. There was nothing on the screen. There were no ideas coming to mind inside her head. Cami leaned against her arms, pounding her fist against the desk.

This couldn't be possible- she was supposed to be a creative person!

Cami searched throughout her stories, looking at her comments, to see what people wanted to see in her oneshots.

Her good pal foblvr sometimes spammed comments how angst was needed in the stories, but was proud of her nonetheless. (Congrats on 1K btw, love you bean <3)

Cami thought for a moment. Did she want angst?

Nah, maybe another time.

Cami started to think of other ideas from the top of her head. It was maybe hard to do, but she always did her stories from her thoughts. She had never one plagerized a story, or asked someone for a plot and then wrote the whole thing. She was in solo.

Soon enough, the girl got bored, so she decided to chat with Rockytop767 just so have some fun.

KawaiiCamiSama: I live here, so that's fun

RockyTop767: I live here

RockyTop767: I think I might be visiting there over the summer though!

KawaiiCamiSama: YESSSS

RockyTop767: YESSSS

KawaiiCamiSama: Now I'm bored imma ask random questions

RockyTop767: ok

KawaiiCamiSama: What's your favorite animal?

RockyTop767: I love wolves!


That's when Cami had an idea- an idea for a oneshot. But she couldn't just go with the roll- PFFFFT H=NO WAY JOSE! So she asked a close friend for advice.

Her friend TheInsanelyCoolMS

Cami: honest opinion: Evan and Connor go to an aquarium and see dolphins and Evan has a freakout but its ok wanna know why because Connor loves his dolphin loving freak

Michael: bITCH yES

So it was confirmed- the idea was a go.

Cami scooted towards her laptop and began to type. 

Evan bounced excitedly as Connor led him to the entrance of the local aquarium. Evan always found this place magical, and it contained all his good and happy memories. He came here with his mom when he was younger, and sometimes even with his best friend Jared. He stopped going after awhile, since he was basically drowning in schoolwork. But Connor found out and asked him if he wanted to go, so hOw CoUlD He NoT

Cami added more details and continued where she left off.

Connor walked up to the person behind the booth and bought the tickets. Evan was beside him, beaming a huge smile, and he was even bouncing on his toes a bit. He probrally seemed like a little kid.

He didn't care.

Once Connor got the tickets, he got ahold of Evan's soft hands and walked throughout the place.  

Cami liked that idea. She again added more details so it could be longer and more enjoyable and continued writing.

Connor loved many things about Evan. He loved how happy the boy was at the moment, not caring about anything in the past or future, just now. It also surprised him how Evan knew a lot about more than plant life, and that was marine life. Every time they stopped by a creature, Evan would explain about it.

"That's a lion fish," Evan explained, "it has a really harmful poison, that kills its prey, and even us."

Cami was way too proud of herself for that one. That was from the top of her head. Like she does all the time, she added more details and continued on with the story.

Connor nodded, as if he was playing attention, when really, he wasn't. He was too in love at how Evan was at the moment- his hands were making gestures as he was explaining, and he would every now and then glance at the creature, and then back at Connor. Connor loved him way too much.

After walking around some more, Evan started getting impatient and started pulling on Connor's sweatshirt sleeve.

Cami started to stretch, and saved her work in case something happened. Being stiff for a while does something to you, just so you know.

"Connor, hurry up! We're gonna miss the dolphins!" Evan complained, pulling harder and harder on the sleeve.

Connor pretended to seem annoyed as Evan practically dragged him to the section. They stopped in front of a large tank, that seemed empty except for the water occupying it. 

"Where are the dolphins?" Connor asked.

"Wait for it, here they come!" Evan squealed.

As he said that, those silver dolphins passed by the crowd on the other side of the glass.

Cami, like all the damn time, revised if to add anything else, and kept typing.

Evan death-gripped Connor's hand, and after a while, Connor pulled it back because it hurt severely. 
After more waking, Connor's feet started to ache and the aquarium was about to close, so they were about to leave. They got in the car , and once they got on, Connor surprised  his boyfriend  with a dolphin plushie. As they drove home, Evan went on a tangent on how fascinating the time they spent was, and thanked Connor repeatedly for taking him. The taller boy played it off like it was nothing.

Cami rubbed her eyes tiredly and edited the paragraph, and finished off the freaking short story.

Once they arrived home, the two headed straight to their bedrooms. Connor tiredly pulled Evan up to his chest and fell asleep rather quickly. Evan stayed in Connor's embrace, hugging his stuffed dolphin, listening to Connor's steady breaths.

This was a moment he was never forgetting.

Cami, turning out to be tired from re-writing phrases over and over again for an hour, called in her brother and made him re-read everything and make sure there were no mispellings. Once he made sure, Cami saved it, and then published it.

And that's how you make a oneshot.

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