Story 42- Red Strings

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Treebros Angst

Those in luck of getting blessings by the almighty Aphrodite.

Those lucky souls get the power to see to whom their string of love connects to.

Along those 'lucky ones' was Connor Murphy.

Connor Murphy straightened his tie as he looked at the silver mirror before him. His white suit shined and brought out his black tie, with the red little tied string at the tip of his index finger.

Just as he did so, Evan opened the door and Connor stiffed  in surprise.

"E-Evan!" Connor squeaked.

"Hey Connor, just checking up." Evan said calmly, closing the door before him.

Connor turned around and faced Evan, who was dressed in a navy suit. He looked divine.

"Is Zoe really my soulmate?" Evan asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

In all of Connor's list of people he knew, Evan was the only one that knew Connor's sights of love. Connor hated telling people his curse, but Evan was just someone you just always trust.

"Of course Zoe's your soulmate, you two are perfect for eachother." Connor chuckled, looking at Evan's string.

"Just making sure, and checking up on my best man." Evan smiled, before leaving and closing the door.

Connor let his forced chuckle flow as he stared at his string and fiddled with it.

Evan Hansen was so gullible.

After a bit, Connor walked towards the ceremony and took his seat. He saw so many familiar faces in the crowd, and yet those that were strangers.
The ceremony started with the music. He watched Jared and Alana throw around the petals, since they wanted to do that since the beginning.

He tried to fast forward everything and get over with it.
But it wasn't until the end that he wished he wouldn't have.

Everyone stayed in complete silence as Evan and Zoe were to say their vows.

"Do you, Evan Hansen, take Zoe Murphy to be your beloved wife, and take care of her, in health and in sickness?"

Connor felt his heart skip a few beats as the anticipation was getting to him. He loved Evan Hansen, he loved his beauty and grace and kindness and trustworthiness. Ever since He saw that their strings were connected, he thought he had a chance. It wasn't until Zoe stole everything that Connor realized he had zero chance.

"I do."

Just as Evan said those words, Connor saw the string connecting Evan and himself start to dissolve and evaporate into thin air. Only Connor, poor Connor, could see this happening.
The same thing happened with Zoe and whoever else's string.
A new string appeared at Evan and Zoe's fingertips, and joined in harmony.

Connor felt himself choke as he began to violently cough, the liquid spilling on his lap. He covered his mouth, but kept coughing. He doubled over onto the floor, feeling himself feel cold and weak.

Those lucky souls get the power to see to whom their string of love connects to- with a consequence; if they marry, death.


Connor heard gasps and fast footsteps come towards him. Then, his head behind lifted on someone's lap.

Connor opened his eyes and saw Evan before him. He then looked at his suit and saw blood all over himself. He smiled and chuckled in agony.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Evan asked, panicking over Connor's state and asking for medical attention.

"Too late.. I'll die anyway." Connor muttered.

Evan pulled Connor closed to him, not caring if the blood got to his clothes. He saw the life slowly leaving the pained boy's eyes.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Evan asked again.

"I'd never be enough for you, Hansen. Zoe has everything, and you're so happy with her. It's for the best." Connor muttered, closing his eyes and letting his forced smile fall.

"C-Connor?" Evan moved Connor, shaking him and slapping his arms lightly. He felt tears slide down his face as he hugged Connor's lifeless body to his chest.

"B-But I loved you."

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