Story 62: Voltron AU (Part 1)

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help me im obsessed

btw in this AU Connor is not related to Zoe, Larry, or Cynthia thank you :3


It was night time (at least, it looked like it was night time, space was always dark and nobody ever really knew the time) and everybody in the ship was asleep. All curled in their beds, blankets, or around a computer *cough* ALANA *cough*

Well, it was a peaceful night. 

Until they got attackers.

Connor was jolted awake by their ship taking some kind of damage. Connor rushed to put on his red hoodie and ran towards the hallway. As he opened it, he saw everyone groggily looking through their doors, sleep still roaming most of them.

Evan ran through the hallway, his black suit already on his body.


"Yeah, NO SHIT!" Jared yelled, throwing his blue slippers into his room as he followed Evan to the location of their lions.

Everyone else followed in a rush as they saw Cynthia already having her palms on the beams of light. Larry had his fingers flying over the tech board, trying to find out who the attackers were.

"Any sign of who they are?!" Evan asked as he stepped onto the plate and he began sinking below.

"No idea yet! Just get in your lions!" Larry sighed.

The paladins ran, zip-lined, and drove to their lions with their suits. The lions eyes glowed and they zoomed out of their ship and into space, seeing no one there.

"What's going on?" Zoe asked, the yellow lion moving it's head side to side seeing if anyone was hiding from their sight.

"I believe the attackers have cloaked themselves from us. Just try to find them. Alana, can you do that for us?" Larry showed up on everyone's screens.

"Sir, I have no idea how to do that! I thought I was the only person in this universe that had the capability to cloak!" Alana complained, slamming her head against the wheel.

"I know how to find them!" Jared exclaimed.

Everyone stayed quiet as they watched the blue lion slowly move forward to the empty space. The lion stayed completely motionless until it's blue lasers show out of it.

"Jared, that won't do anything!" Connor screamed.

"Oh yeah? I don't see anyone here having any bright ideas! Not even the gremlin knows how to deal with it!" Jared responded.

"But at least she knows what she's doing most of the time! You're just the goofball!"

"And you're the lone wolf! Face it Connor, no one likes to be with you! You're a shitty leader!"

Connor slammed his lion into Jared's, making the blue paladin and his lion slightly drift.

"Well at least I'm not a shitty person!"

"Ooh, you take that back!"

The black lion got in between the fighting paladins and groaned.

"Guys, we have to stick together! Right now we have no idea what is here, but there is something here," Evan rubbed his temples and cleared his throat, looking at all his teammates showing up on his screens. "Alana, try to find a way to uncloak them. Zoe, call Larry and ask him if he has any more information. Jared and Connor, stop fighting for once!"

"At least I'm not being a pussy." Jared mumbled before having his lion shocked by Evan. Connor and Evan chuckled lightly and Jared crossed his arms and shut up.

*** *** *** ***

It had been almost 60 ticks, and nothing had happened. 

For one, Larry had no information, and something else had shot the side of their ship. For another, Cynthia felt something there. She knew there was something there, some presence, but she couldn't feel it. Alana couldn't find anything and began to freak out.

"This is it," Zoe cried, tears going onto the floor of the yellow lion, "We're gonna be snuck up on and get a surprise attack and then die!"

"Shh." Evan squinted his eyes and looked at the space in front of him. He could have sworn he saw something flicker and heard an engine roar.

"The Defenders of Voltron will be looked as a disgrace and no one's gonna remember me and I'll never have said goodbye to my family back on Earth!" Zoe sobbed.

"Did you not hear the man? Shut the FUCK UP!" Jared screamed, looking back at his screen containing the view of Evan. 

Evan was focused on the outside view, he knew he saw and heard something. As the leader, he had to responsibility in what they should do and what the plan was. And therefore, believe in his instincts. 

And his instincts were telling him something before them wasn't right.

And before they all knew it, since they were all looking out like Evan was, something flickered again, and a whole large crowd of ships appeared before them- their lasers ready to fire at any moment.

"THAT'S IT, WE'RE DEAD!" Zoe screamed, feeling another emotional lump in her throat.

"Paladins, form Voltron!" Larry demanded.

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