Story 28: Blind

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Connor Murphy; the stoner kid, school-shooter, emoboi (that was Jared).
Connor Murphy was tall, had pale skin, and wore all black.

But there was one thing that no one but his family knew- Glasses.

Connor Murphy needed glasses.

Yup, it was definately true- ever since a young se Connor desperately needed glasses or else everything looked like a blurry... blob... thing.
But Connor was an over dramatic kid at the time and threw a tantrum about getting him glasses would 'make him look nerdy'.
So, his parents got him contacts.
Of course, he still had glasses- they were black and he always had them hidden somewhere with him.

But Connor never told anyone, and so he hid it from everyone, from Alana, to Jared, to his beloved Evan Hansen

So one day, Evan invited Connor to a sleepover because they both had a rough day and wanted cuddles.
They watched movies and ate until the passed out of exhaustion.

The only thing, was- Connor left his contacts on while he slept.

So when he woke up, his eyes were in agony and felt like ass.

He slowly got up, as not to disrupt the sleeping Evan, and went to the bathroom. He took off his contacts and immediatly the world went to shit, he could barely see anything. He scavenged through the pockets of his sweatshirt and found the glasses, putting them up with zero-self confidence.

He just hoped Evan would stay asleep for long so he could rest his eyes enough so he could wear his contacts.

Boy was he wrong.

Connor started preparing breakfast (since he practically lives at Evan's place) when Evan snuck up behind him.
Connor jolted in surprise and snapped around, and Evan saw before him.

His boyfriend.

"Connor..?" Evan asked, surprised, and lovestruck.

Connor noticed he had the glasses and took them off, throwing them across the room onto the couch.

"YOU SAW NOTHING!" Connor squealed, turning red.


"N-NO!" Connor stuttered, hiding his face.

"Really then? Go up the stairs."

"Psh, Okay."

Evan witnessed Connor walk- no, trip up the stairs repeatedly. As he cake back down he skipped a step and fell face first, making his nose bleed. Evan rushed to get some tissues and covered it.

"You sure?" He asked.

Connor turned as red as the blood dripping down his nose and shook his head.

"I've needed glasses since I was in the third grade." He admitted.

"Can I..?" Evan asked.

Connor let Evan put on his glasses and Evan stood back, admiring the sweet boy. He walked over to him and pecked his cheek.

"You look so cute darling."

Connor smiled a bit. "Thanks."

Evan was going to get his phone, but then-

"You won't tell anyone, right?" Connor asked.

"Of course Baby." Evan blew a kiss, making Connor giggle.

Evan snatched his phone and ran to the bathroom, dialing a number.

"Jared come over to my place now you need to it's an emergency."

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