Story 29: Allergic

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Evan, since a young age, wanted a pet. A cat, to be specific. He loved how soft and calm they were, just like him. But, it could never happen- since his dad left and that took money, and his mother and him needed more money because their father was the one who had a sustainable job. So Evan never told anyone about it, since it would never come true.

It just didn't work out.

Until one faithful day.

Evan's birthday was coming up, and Jared wanted to do something special for him, so he worked until he couldn't anymore and got him enough money.

Jared worked at a computer repair shop, and it worked well since he was great at it, but it didn't pay him enough, so he kept working and working.

Jared, once he got the money, stuck it in an envelope and attached it with a birthday card and kisses from him. He then drove to Evan's place and stuck the present under the door, since Evan was still at school.

Yeah, Evan was a junior and Jared was a senior, so seniors got off earlier than everyone else, but they had to go to school earlier. So there was a price to pay.

Jared then drove home and collapsed on his bed, passing out the moment he hit his couch.

*** *** *** ***

Jared's phone kept buzzing, and his ringtone kept going off. He tried to ignore it, but soon just wanted to get it over with and answered it.

"Hello..?" He asked.

"Hey Jared!"

Jared could recognize that sweet voice from anywhere.

"Hey Evy."

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate it that you got me this!"

"It's no problem, Evan, anything did you."

"So, you weren't answering your phone an hour ago so I went out and got something with the money."

"You called me an hour ago? Weren't you just released from school?"

"We got out three hours ago."

Jared looked at the time. Damn, three hours did pass.

"Frick, man."

"Well, please come over, I wanna show you. I think you'll like it!"

"Okay, Love you, I'll be there."

Jared got up and put on his shoes, getting his keys and leaving his place. He soon arrived as Evan's and knocked at the door. Evan opened it and gave Jared a hug. And even though Evan is was a year younger than Jared, he was still taller.

"Jareeeed! You came!" Evan giggled.

"Yeah, I did." Jared smiled, but sneezed out of nowhere.

"Bless you."


"Come in!" Evan beamed.

Jared thanked him and went inside, sitting in the couch before sneezing again.

"Are yo okay?" Evan asked.

"I don't know what's happening." Jared apologized.

"Well, wanna see what I got?" Evan bounced up and down in excitement.


"Close your eyes!"

Jared closed his eyes as Evan went to his room. Jared felt Evan coming back, and sneezed again, and felt his eyes water. He then felt something on his lap.


Jared opened his eyes to see...

A cat.
A freaking cat.
A cat that Jared's allergic to.

"Evan..this is a- achoo- cat."

"So?" Evan asked, sitting down and petting the cat on Jared's lap.


Evan freaked our. He totally forgot.

"I'm sorry!" He put the cat in his room and went back to Jared, who sneezed yet again and rubbed his watery eyes.

"I forgot! I should have remembered, you told me, I'm so-"

"Evy, it's okay. Just, keep him away from me."

Evan smiled and went back to the cat, who looked like it was bathed in gold and orange stripes. Jared sat on one side of the couch, while Evan sat on the other.

"Wha'd you name it?" Jared asked, enveloping himself in a blanket.

"Link." Evan said, since it was Jared's favorite character of his favorite game.

"Aww, yeah he looks like a Link." Jared smiled.

And so it was decided- Link the cat.

*** *** *** ***

I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open but my parents are like "LOL NOPE" and wanted me to do chores all day and babysit when I was being nocturnal yesterday with Rockytop767 and probrally will tonight too so I can forget stressful things

Also, if ur fans of 21 Chump Street, I did a book about it, but they're all mermaids! I've only done one chapter so far, but plz read

Love y'all!


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