Story 63: Scratches (Requested)

487 19 31

this is for you, @SmolCrazyBean

Trigger warnings: self harm


Connor walked into class, setting his stuff down on his desk. He took a peek at the desk beside him, and he wasn't there.

The boy he loved wasn't there yet.

Connor sighed, and looked down at the hands on his desk and fiddled with his thumbs. Jared had been coming in late for a month now, and it was getting weird, since Jared usually came in early to talk to talk to Evan and Connor. But now something was up, and he just wasn't the same- he always carried around a white hoodie with him, no matter the degree and where he was. He was also getting more forgetful and acted like he had walls up around him, walls that limited certain interactions and certain people.

And for some people, Connor was one of those people.

Class had started and Connor looked at the teacher, but wasn't listening. He was so worried for Jared. Nobody knew it, but he loved the boy that wore glasses and his light-up sketchers.

The boy that always stole Connor's good kush and threw it in the trash and forbid Connor from taking any.

The boy that always played pranks on Zoe Murphy and blamed it on Connor.

The boy that always made Connor smile, no matter what.

Sooner or later, Jared walked into class. He had some long-sleeved blue shirt wrinkled on him and his hair somewhat messy, looking as he had just woken up.

The teacher scorned Jared and told him to sit down and shut up, and Jared agreed. Connor tried to pas him notes and mouth him 'are you okay', but Jared just wasn't paying to him. In fact, he wasn't paying to anyone. He was just staring off into space as he fiddled with his sleeves.

Two periods passed, and Connor was at gym. This was the only class other than English Literature that they had with each other. And guess what?

Jared wasn't there.

That's it, Connot thought, This has been going on for too long. I need to get to the bottom of this.

Connor snuck out of the locker rooms and went to the other bathroom on the other side of the building. He opened the door and looked inside.

There was no one inside, and it was dead quiet. Connor was about to leave when he heard a small muffled sob.


Connor stepped inside as he heard a small gasp and something clank against the ground. He glanced that way, but it seemed that the object was already picked up. But there was something there that caught Connor's attention.

There were 3 dots of blood.

"Jared? You okay in there!? Connor ran to the stall he seemed to be in, but it was locked.

"I'm okay, just scraped myself." Jared said, but Connor could hear right through that fake nonsense.

"I'm coming in there if you don't come out!" Connor prepared himself.

"I-I'm fine, I promise!"

"Then come out!"


Connor grunted and put his hair in a messy ponytail. He slid himself under the stall and gasped.

Jared was sitting on the toilet, his eyes pink and glassy. His sleeves were rolled up and there were scars, some cut fresh and some old. Blood was dripping from the new ones, and there was a razor in the palm of his hand.


Connor dragged Jared out of the stall before he could say anything and got some paper towels and set them over the bleeding lines on his pale arms.

"Why would you do that?" Connor asked.

Jared looked at Connor, his lip quivering and his eyes already brimming tears. He suddenly sobbed, slamming his head against Connor's chest and gripping the material of his black hoodie. Connor rubbed his back and held Jared close as he painfully cried.

Soon enough Jared calmed down and he was muttering incoherent words.

"What?" Connor asked.

"I feel worthless. The one person I want to notice me doesn't at all. My parents don't see me often, they're always working. It scarred be for my childhood, like a scab. Then I met someone. The scab healed, and it felt great. But then I developed feelings for that person, but they never really noticed. The scab opened again, and it bled severely. I decided to make more scabs."

Connor looked down at Jared. It looked like the poor boy was gonna cry again, he looked so broken and now.

"I'm sorry that person saw that in you. I hope they do, because they're a real dumbass."

"God dammit Connor, that DUMBASS IS YOU!"

Connor's eyes widened.

Oh my god.

He was the dumbass.

He hugged Jared close to him, to the point he felt him breathing down his neck.

"Jared I've loved you for so damn long you have no idea. You worry me whenever you feel somewhat bad, and I want to fix you. I just love you so damn much."

Connor lifted Jared's chin and looked into his beautiful, beautiful eyes.

And then he kissed him.

And Jared kissed back.

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