chapter 9

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"I'll give you a week."

You rolled on your bed while your mind was occupied with the sentance.

It's been two days, but Jimin didn't show up.

Maybe he will when the time comes?

Or maybe, he was angry. Maybe he decided to let you go..

"My head hurts..", you whispered while tears started to shower your red face.

You never felt that way. Your fragile  heart would always beat fast when around him, or just when you would look into his beautiful dark brown orbs.

His muscular body could make you want him, even though you were afraid.

His black hair, and orange strokes were so soft, and you could easily run your fingers through it.

"I'll go for a walk."



He walked in circles, while his jet black hair covered his brown orbs.

"Jimin, what are you doing?", Seokjin came in, and stopped the boy from moving.

"Nothing. Trying to kill time."

He moved away from the older and continued walking in circles. By that time, Seokjin got annoyed and grabbed his wrist, "Jimin, you need to calm yourself."

"If you really want the power, then snap out of that love life! It's not possible when you're a supernatural. It just-"

Jimin slapped his hand away, anger running through his veins, "Then why do I feel different around her? Why do I think about her every fucking night?"

Jimin was about to leave, when the older patted his shoulder, "Because you are in need of her power, the child, and in need to save us."

"Am I really that selfish then?", Jimin thought to himself before storming out of the dorm and into the park.



"Thank you."

You payed for your vanilla ice cream, and continued strolling through the park.

Then, a tall male stood in front of you.

"I'm sorry sir."

You tried to walk past him, but he stood in front of you again.

"Are you all alone?"

"Yes- wait. Why are you asking me that?"

He gently held your hand, "I need to show you something. Follow me please."

You ran after the unknown man, and stopped in a dark alleyway.

"Why did you-", but he was gone.

You looked around, and nobody was there.

Then, a black cloud appeared in front of you, and another man cane out of it.

"W-Wait.. A-Are you the one t-that-"

"Yes dear. And I'll be the one to take you all."

You were about to run, when a pair of arms wrapped around your neck, making it hard to breathe.

"L-Let me g-go."

"Not before I eat you whole."


You were in a dark room, unable to move.

You tried moving your hands and legs, but it was like-

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