chapter 8

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"Love, perhaps?"

Her heart pounded as those words hit her head with realization.

The nervous knot in her stomach eventually growing larger as she saw his face came closer to her's, and the sun behind her getting low.

Her body flinched as Jimin's cold hands grabbed ahold of her waist a bit more tighter, and his sweet scent lingering around her nose.

He licked his dry lips as he stared down at her with lust containing in his deep dark eyes.

"Y/N.. Tell me to stop.", Jimin darkly whispered.

She didn't know what to say to his words back, and her body was already against a wall.

The room behind Jimin was getting covered by his gorgeous face, and his hot breath was blowing into her skin.

The feeling of his hands slipping off her shorts from underneath was scary.

He could do anything to her at any moment.

His eyes stared longingly into her's,  and she let him continue do his thing. Her body felt glued to the floor, and mind was uncontrollable.

Her hands were frozen solid in front of him, and she felt the nervousness exhilarating in her.

"Tell me to stop."

His voice echoed inside of her dull mind, but her heart couldn't choose whether or not she should stop.

It was either she wanted the child with him, or let whatever was happening happen.

Y/N felt too rushed to even answer that choice and instead, her body did the answering.

In a swift moment, she grabbed Jimin's jet black hair with her hands and pushed his face closer to her's.

The intimacy between them was unstable and her heart was telling her something she never thought she ever wanted.

Pleasure. Affection. Trust.

The three words that described how she was feeling at that exact moment.

Jimin's breathing was shaking as he looked at her pink lips with remorse.

He felt that it was wrong to do things that are forced. He felt as if it was going too far at that point in life.

He felt like he couldn't do it.

He couldn't muster himself up to do things to her because he didn't know her for so long.

The deep regret in his mind alluring him to know his position.

He was nothing more, but just a supernatural.

Nothing more, but a fox.

Anger ran through his veins and he clenched his hands into fists.

He didn't want to let anyone down.

He never wanted to be blamed for that.

Damn you Taemin.

He gritted his teeth slightly, and in a few seconds, he smashed his lips forcefully against her's.

The passion within his kiss was more than what she could imagine and sparks ran through her.

His jet black hair was covering her eyes from seeing more of his unknown expression, and his hands pulled her thighs up to hold around his waist.

The possibilities were endless as that was happening.

"Y/N, I said-", his voice got cut off.

"I know what you said, but I need you more that I know.", she whispered.

Jimin paused his actions and his steady breathing continued as he started to listen.

"What do you mean, you should've known?"

Y/N held his back a bit more firmly, and inhaled a breath before saying, "I meant that, I feel an odd sensation around you. It makes me go insane when I see you with just a glimpse,  and I'm scared that having a child with you could cause so much chaos in my life..", she casted her eyes down at the floor.

"I'm scared Jimin. I really am. I really want to help you in your horrible situation, but I'm just not ready for a child yet.", she confessed.

Jimin stood silent.

The knot in her stomach was still swirling.

He looked at her again, and a tired sigh escaped his lips.

"If you're not ready.. I'll wait, and give you only one week."


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