Chapter 26: I love that black laced....

Start from the beginning

Not just because I had once again turned to a little red tomato but I was surprised he noticed any of it.

Well, duh, he was meant to notice it if he at least had half a brain but it was kinda awkward he noticed it.

I noticed he also got a little more serious when we had, um, those intimate moments.

(A/N: *clears throat*)

Yeah, this is awkward.

"You also get um" I cleared my throat "Different when I get so close to you"

"I know_"

"Yay! The pancakes are ready!"


I guess it wasn't a good day for school.

I mean, the sun was shining, the sky was bright, the soothing scent of my new perfume engulfed me and you know what else engulfed me or rather reigned down on me?


Don't get me wrong, I did like being the center of attention at times but that only favours me in my dreams.

When I dream about being cardi B.

Shut up, you do it too.

Anyways, I walked towards my locker and flashed a bright smile at some people on the way, you know, just to imagine the the flashes around me and feel like a star.

That was, however, cut short when someone slammed my locker before I got to open it completely.

"Diana, didn't see you there!" She said, too high pitched. Her other two whose names I still didn't know of, showed up behind her immediately.

Why's my life so cliche?

"I have classes in a few minutes Cassy" I said, because I knew she'd hate the nickname Cassy.

"First, don't you ever call me Cassy ever again."

"Alright Cassy"

"What did I ever do to you? Why are you trying so hard to steal my boyfriend?"

"He's not your boyfriend and I'm not stealing him"

"I know you moved in with him and then you forced him to call him Cupcake?"

"Why would I force him to call me Cupcake? That's like the dumbest thing ever"

"Why did you move in with him? Huh?"

That made me quiet.

I broke eye contact with her and for that first time, brought my gaze down to the ground.

"You're just a bitch, you know? Taking advantage of his luxury and moving in with him cause you know he won't refuse. You didn't work for his money and you sit there and eat off of him like a leech."

I walked away.


I plopped down on one of the chairs in English class. I sat at the further end to avoid stares and Cassandra, at least. It took a few seconds before I spotted she and Dylan at the other end of the class, laughing about something.

Maybe she was right and no, I don't wanna hear a reason why you think she's wrong.

He got me clothes, food, a place to call home and literally everything I wished for.

As far as I was concerned, I was just as good as an orphan. My dad was dead and my mom, well, kind of dead too.

I hadn't known Dylan for that long and I was already living in his house, practically living off of him.

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