Chapter 35

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Mila's POV
We started moving and I was watching as Laurance's carrige was shooting flames and ice but it soon stopped. "I guess Erza did something to stop them." I mumbeld and look at Leo and Millie who were on the drivers place. "So... What are we gonna do when we met up with the dark guild?" Petra asked and I look at her. "Me and my siblings exept Mira and Lilac will be howling to distract them while you, team Natsu, Sring, Rogue, you two and these two pups go inside and try to find my mother. You regonais her by light blue eyes and brown hair." I said and Petra nod." We should be there soon." Millie said as she came sit next to me. "Mhm." I said and I look outside before I saw something wierd. "Slow down." I tell Leo and the carrige slowed down. "What's wrong Mila?" Laurance asked as his carrige came behind us. "I saw something weird at that forest." I said as I pointed the forest next to us. "Mhm. I ask if Stone would be nice and check it out." Laurance said and a water came around my waist and pulled me at Laurance's seat and he give me the reins. "But I don't know how to use this." I said as I show the reins. "Just try to keep them at the road." Laurance said and disappeared into the carrige. "Great. Just leave the reins into a girl's hands and she don't know how to use them." I said to myself as I watched around the area. "I'm back. Stone said she could go and check it out real fast. Thanks for holding the reins for awhile." Laurance said and I give the reins into Laurance's hands and he moved me back to my own carrige with his water maker magic. "Thanks Soft ice." I said as I sit back to my seat and both Jesse and Petra look at me. "What. That's his nickname." I said and both Jesse and Petra nod. "So... Does all of you have some kinda nickname?" Jesse asked and I started thinking them. "Laurance is Soft ice, Leo's nickname is Silver water. Millie is called Earth dragon. I haven't get the nickname yet. Milo is called the Water guard. Mira is Pink sweet sugar and Lilac is purple cinnamon roll." I said and Jesse looked confused. "Ok? And when did you learned the nicknames?" Jesse asked and I sweat dropped. "I learned last night when me and Laurance were sitting on my bed." I said and Stone landed onto my shoulder. "I saw Kayla and her friends coming towards the same place where we are going. It looks like their in that dark guil since there was two other guys with them." Stone said and I nod. "Leo. Lets go faster. We need to get to the dark guild before them." I said and we started moving faster while Laurance's carrige followed.


Petra's POV
When we get to the dark guild Natsu, Sting and Rogue started fighting. "You can just go back to your guild you know!!" Natsu yelled and Lucy was holding him back. "Exuse me?! Me and Rogue took this job. So it's normal for us to go and save Mila's mother." Sting said while was holding back by Rogue and both Mira and Lilac were right front of both of them and try to push them away from each others. "Could you stop!!" Mila yelled and they both stopped and looked scared. "Now. You wait for the guards to go outside and you sneak inside while me and my siblings exept Mira and Lilac go and distract them." Mila said and they disappeared into somewhere while Laurance Leo, Millie and Milo followed. "Come. We need to go over here." Mira said and all the others that didn't go with Mila went behind bushes.
All of sudden a huge howling was heard and at least five men came out of the guild and look around. "Now's our change. Lets go." Lilac said and we started moving guietly and another howl came. This time it started with the lowest howling and something like couple seconds later other voices joined to the howling and another five guys came while we sneaked inside.
The guils was huge and dark. The only thing that lit the place was candles. "I smell mom." Lilac said and started leading us. "Not so fast little wolf." A voice said behind us and we turn around. Right behind us were a guy with scar going across his eye, he's hair was dark blonde and his other eyes was crystal blue while the scar eye was white, he was wearing a black jacket and black jeans. "Who the heck are you?" Natsu asked from the guy and he look at us. "My name is Nicolas. I am the leader of this guild and you might be the guys that are going to save the gueen of moon." The guy said and a dark ball came into his hand. "Say good bye." Nicolas said and shot us with the dark ball if Lilac haven't make a shield made out of rock around us. "What in the world?" Nicolas asked and Mira shot a punch with rock around her fist right into the guys face. "This is for stealing mom." Lilac said and punch the guy on his knee. "Ow." Nicolas said and started jumping around and more guys came around us which make team Natsu came around us and started fighting. "You go. We'll handle this." Natsu said and shot fire towards a guy. "Lets go. Mommy is near." Mira said and we walked towards a door that had a lock in it. "Rock make: Key." Mira said and a key made out of rock came and Mira put it into the key hole. It fot and the door opened. "Lets go in. Mommy is waiting." Lilac said and we entered into a darker hallway with cells on the both side of the hallway. "Mommy! Where are you?" Lilac yelled and look around. "Lilac?" A female voice asked and we stopped.

Hi my little wolfs. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter, before that, take care and be awesome. Bye!

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