Chapter 17

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Jesse's POV
I woke up on a tent and I look around. There was another sleeping pag but it was empty. "Oh. Morning Jesse." Say a voice dehind me and I look back. "Oh. Morning Aiden. Why are we in a same tent?" I aked and Aiden sit on his sleeping pag. "You fell asleep so I have to drag you here and others had an idea that you and me could sleep in tha same tent because our girls are kidnapped." Aiden said and then we heard a loud clank.
"What is it now Frosty?" Aiden asked when we get out from our tent. "Zane said that he knows a shortcut but this isn't the same as the other one that alpha and the guards use." Frosty said and it put my hopes up. "Then what are we waiting for? Lets pack our pags and go." I said and everyone started pack their pags. "Hey Jesse. Can you help me to put our tent away so we can go faster?" Aiden asked and I nod. "This might be my first time seeing Aiden and Jesse doing teamwork together." Olivia said and both of us glare at her. "That might be because their girlfriends are best friends." Axel said and (Y/n) came next to both of them. "Shouldn't you go and get your pags?" (Y/n) asked and both of them run somewhere. "Thanks (Y/n). You sure are a great friend." Aiden said and (Y/n) smiled. "Of course. You are Mila's friends so you are basically my friends too." (Y/n) said and put her/him (F/c) hoodie on. "Yeah. Well. I know me and Jesse are ready now. How about anyone else?" Aiden asked and (Y/n) look around. "They are just finishing I think." (Y/n) said and take her/his pag on her/him shoulder. "Yeah. Lets go. Who knows. Maybe the son of-" "Frosty! You should clear your mouth." Zane said and Frosty giggle. "Sorry. I meant that Jack and the sunlight clan alpha's son might be asking for the moonlight clan's witch to make a love potion." Frosty said and I saw Aiden running "Horses?" Olivia asked and everyone look at Aiden. "Here. Take a saddle and tame them. If we can tame the horses we can maybe get even faster to the moonlight clan." Aiden said and everyone look at each others. "Smart thinking Aiden." Jess said and take one of the saddles. "Yeah. This way we have more time find Mila and Petra." Axel said and Frosty take one saddle.


Aiden's POV
Everyone have a horse exept, Axel and Olivia shared, Jess and Lukas shared, so did Zane and Frosty and Gill and Maya. "Ok. Lets go." I said and we started moving faster than before. "Don't worry Petra. I will save you." I heard someone talking next to me so I turn around and saw Jesse looking serious. "Don't worry. They will be fine." I said and Jesse look at me. "Yeah. I know Mila and Petra are strong. They won't fall for their tricks." Jesse said and we both laugh. "Yeah. You're right. But we still better hurry." I said and we started going faster.

With Petra and Mila

Petra's POV
I watched as Mila try to dance with Daniel but Daniel always somehow step onto Mila's feet. "Ow! This is 10th time Daniel! And you say you are the greatest dancer that the clan ever have!" Mila yelled and Daniel only chuckle. "Sorry." Daniel said and Mila glare at him. "If I want to dance at the party in the werewolf way. I can't learn it if you only step on my feet." Mila said and I heard a chuckle. "If you want to learn the moonlight dance then I can help." Scott said and Mila only rolled her eyes. "If this is your way to make me fell inlove with you. Dream on! You can't change my feelings." Mila said but Scott take Mila by her hand and start to dance. "I will teach you the dance too if you want." Say a voice behind me and I turn around. "No thanks Jack." I said but Jack take my hand and start. Both me and Mila were dancing with hudge glare on our faces.
After the dance both Jack and Scott try to kiss us but both me and Mila slap them across their cheek. "Lets go Petra. These guys are only wasting our time. Can we go and take some fresh air." Mila said before get her pag and we leave the castle.


Mila's POV
"Ugh. Can you believe. They both try to show off for us. I hate them. They are selfishes and idiots." I said and we sit on a bench that was in a park that we enter. "Yeah. By the way. How's your getting used to the ears and tail?" Petra asked and I touch my ears. "They're ok." I said before take out my drawing book and started drawing Aiden and his gang, order and (Y/n). "Wow. You really got talent on drawing." Petra said and I look at her. "Thanks. Drawing always make me relaxed when I'm stressed." I said and Petra smiled. "Yeah. For me fighting makes me relaxed because my body just can't stay still." Petra said and I nod. "Oh. Mila, Petra. Great to see you two here." Say a voice and we turn around. "Oh. Hi Jacob and Leo. How are you?" I asked and both of the guys grin. "We're fine. How's boss and Sott treating you?" Leo asked and we look at each others. "They are idiots and doesn't care about our privacy." I said and Jacob was shocked. "Those two are idiots." Leo said and we all giggle. "Yeah. I just hope to be with our friends." I said and look at my drawing. "Huh. Oh. You really care about them?" Jacob said and sit next to me. "Yes. They all act like one hudge family. They always saved each others and take care for each others. I actually enjoy being with them." I said and Petra had sparkle on her eyes. "Mila. You've always been like a sister to me. I actually never had a sister. Thank you." Petra said and I smiled. "You've been always like a sister to me too Petra. I'm glad about that." I said and we hug. "Ok. Lets go we need some sleep." Jacob said and we walk away from the park both me and Petra with hidge smiles.

Hi my little wolfs. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next one before that take care and be awesome. Bye!

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