Chapter 16

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Petra's POV
I watched how Daniel, Jacob and Leo try to make Mila to reveal her ears and tail. "Just give up. I am not a werewolf." Mila said when others look at her. "No! We won't give up until we saw the same familiar werewolf that we met in the kindergarden." Daniel said and I almost saw fire in his eyes. "Just face the facts Daniel! I'm not a werewolf and I will never be!" Mila said and she woould have walk away if Daniel didn't crap her wirst and hug her. "Wha? Hey! Let me go Daniel!" Mila said but Daniel didn't let her go. "Mila. You have to believe that you are a werewolf. Please try to believe in yourself." Daniel said and I saw how angry Mila was. "Look. Let me go! You're making me angry!" Mila said and then her wolf ears and tail pop out. They were same color as her hair. "Mila! You actually did it!" Daniel yelled and both Jacob and Leo hug each others. "You're joking right?" Mila asked and walk to a mirror that was next to her. "Is this even possible?" Mila asked and she touch her ears like making sure they were real. "They are real Mila. You don't know how much I have wanted to hug you and ask you on a date just like old times." Daniel said and hug Mila again but this time Mila push Daniel away. "Look Daniel. You seem like a nice guy but I can't go on a date with you." Mila said and Daniel's expression went down. "What?" Daniel asked and look at Mila. "Y-you see. I fell in love with someone else. But. I hope we can just stay as friends for now." Mila said and Daniel's hand get into a fist for anger. "Tell me. Is it the sunlight clan's son? Let me tell you something. He's a selfish and doesn't care anything else in a girl than the looks and how will she obey him. Well I hope you will be happy in the future with him because you will marry him." Daniel said and Mila was shocked. "Exuse me?!?! Me marrying someone I don't even know or love. And if he act like I am his slave!" Mila yelled and run away from the training place while I follow her.

Meanwhile with Jesse and others.

Jesse's POV
We were following Frosty who were walking front of us. "The travel might take a week but when alpha and others kidnap your friends they use a shortcut that only alpha and the guards know." Frosty said and we nod. "Ugh. How could alpha just make Mila marry someone like sunlight clan's son? Just who the alpha think he is?" Aiden said and I punch his arm. "Ow. You really have to do that?" Aiden asked and I glare at him. "Don't you remember what happend in thst ball when alpha and others came in? Mila step foward and ask for reason why they were there and alpha anwser something like this. 'Mila. My presious daughter." I said and Frosty stopped. "If alpha actually said that he is lying." Frosty said and we look at her. "Why is that?" Aiden asked and Frosty look at the sky before look back at us. "You see. Alpha is Mila's real father but he didn't care at all about his daughter. He only care about getting stronger clan and money so he put Mila learn all about the rules, ruling and put her guard training in a young age until the war came. Alpha send Mila away so she could rule the clan in the future just like his father but then sunlight clan had an idea that if Alpha's daughter and sunlight clan's son get married they could live in peace, but alpha only think about more money and stronger armies. So basically he didn't love Mila at all." Frosty said and look down to her feet and I saw that almost everyone was crying even me. "But. Father should love his chilred not throw them away or use them." Jess said and Frosty look up at us. "Lets keep going what faster we get there that better we can save them both." Frosty said and we walk even faster.

Back to Petra and Mila

Mila's POV
I was crying on my bed while Petra try to comfort me. "Mila. Please. Cheer up. Everything will be alright." Petra said and I look at her still tears rolling down my cheeks. "Yeah. Right. If my dad really is the alpha I swear that he is a really bad father for me." I said and then we heard knock on our door. "Come on in!" I yelled and run to the bathroom to clean myself. "Mila. It is great to see you again." A guy with golden hair and brown eyes said, he was wearing a golden armor and he had werewolf ears and tail and behind him was a guy with brown hair and another eye was covered by an eyepatch. "Jack." Petra whispered and I look at the eyepatched man. "Petra. Great to see that you are fine. I tough that these idiot werewolfs broke your bones while try to get you here." Jack said and I started growling because Jack just kinda call me idiot and the blonde guy try to take my hand. "Exuse me but you calling werewolfs as idiots isn't really nice to hear because I am one and can you stop doing what you are doing. It's uncomftorble." I said and Petra just glare at Jack. "As our princesses wants." Jack said and they leave. "Oh. Yeah. Names Scott." The blonde guy said before close the door. "Petra. I don't think I can take this much longer if this keep going on this week or more." I said and flop on my bed. "Me neather. I just hope we can be with our friends right now and be in adventures." Petra said and I started remembering Aiden and others which make me blush and cry.

With Jesse and others

Aiden's POV
We were done with our tents and I saw Jesse walking back and forth. "Jesse. If you keep walking like that you won't have any powers to keep walking. Please. Calm down." Jess said and Jesse glared at us. "How can I be calm? Petra and Mila will never be happy or free if they have to get married with those guys and who knows maybe they are flirting with them RIGHT NOW!" Jesse yelled and Olivia came next to him before put him sit down on a chair and chains around his wrist and to the chair so he would sit down and relax. "Jesse. Even I am worried about them but I try to relax over here." I said and Jesse look at me. "Well you don't even love one of them." Jesse said and I take him by his collar so I was face to face woth him. "You don't know what kinda pressure I am going throw. Mila was the only one who understand me and she make me feel comftorble around everyone after the accident and she's so sweet and kind. I wish I could be same and just make Mila happy. I love her smile and her sweet personality. I actually fell inlove with her when she show her smile and kindness. So Jesse. If you say I don't love Mila, you're wrong." I said and everyone stare at me before Frosty started laughing. "Man. You could be perfect with Mila if she doesn't have to marry that son of- ackh!" Frosty was about to say something if someone haven't push her into a lake next to her. "Zane!" Frosty yelled and (Y/n) help Frosty to get out of the lake while a black haired boy with green eyes and he was wearing black hoodie and jeans laugh next to her. "Man. You totally didn't exept me to come out of the bushes and push you to the lake." Zane said and Frosty throw him to the lake while Zane scream like a girl. "That's what you get for throwing me into the lake." Frosty said and turn her face towards us. "Sorry about my partner. He sometimes do that. Say. Do you think that there's room for one more?" Frosty asked and Jesse look at her. "Yes. There is actually. But Zane have to even know how to fight or he will carry all our pags." Jesse said and everyone laugh.

Hi my little wolfs. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next one before that take care and be awesome. Bye!

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