Chapter 30

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Petra's POV
We were walking out of the town when both Mila and Natsu stopped us which make Gray bumb into Natsu. "What now dumb pyro?" Gray asked and Natsu shot a death glare at him. "Well sorry ice princess but both me and Mila smell something dangerous." Natsu said and Mila look at Millie who looked sad and guilty at the same time. "Could it be... Them?" Mila asked and Millie rubbed her hand. "Maybe. They came here after you disappeared." Millie said and Mila looked worried until she run towards a forest that was next to us. "Mila!" Millie yelled and run after her and we came after them.


Mila's POV
They can't be here. They can't. I run and run and run until I get to the clearing where I saw three figures that smell too familiar. "I knew it would be you that I smelled." I said and they turn around. "Mila~chan!" Carla yelled and look at me. She had blonde hair with tint of black hair, black and dark red dress and red eyes (At the profile pic she has green eyes, blonde hair and gray and whote dress but she need the dark clothing for now.) "What are you doing here?" I asked and I notice that team Natsu, Petra, Jesse and Millie came out of the same bush that I came. "Oh Mila. You still believe that being the hero is the best for ya. Do you?" Kayla asked. She was wearing a black sport top with red T-shirt kinda jacket, black shorts, boots and her eyes were red and her hair was black with red at the tips. (I will explain why they appear to be different at this story than what they look like at the profile pic. I promise.) "Yeah Mila. Why don't you join us and dump these losers here." Romeo said. He wears a brown jacket with black shirt underneath, black pants, brown boots black hair and red eyes. "How many times do I have to say this. I won't be someone like you and snap out of the spell. This isn't you!" I said and look at them but they lughed evilly. "Fine then. FIREBALL!!" Kayla yelled and shot a huge fireball but Natsu ate it which make Kayla look pale. "How did he? That's impossible!" Kayla yelled and shot another fireball but Natsu ate it too. "My turn! Wind storm!" Carla yelled and a huge windstorm appeared around us but Wendy ate it. "Again! How are we suppouse to attack if they eat all our attacks?" Carla whined and went on her knees. "My turn. Earth attack!" Romeo yelled and shot bunch of rocks but Millie ate it. "Did you forget what me and Millie are? And if I can remind you all dragon slayers can eat that element that they use." I asked ans they went pale. "Water dragon roar!!" "Earth dragon roar!!" Me and Millie yelled at the same time and we attack towards Kayla and her friends which send them towards a tree. "O'right. That went right!" I yelled and we give each others a high five. "This isn't over yet." Kayla said and shot flames at us but we dodge them. "Open! Gate of the golden bull! Taurus!" Lucy yelled and a bull with an axe and some kinda boxers appeared. "You called me miss Lucy." Taurus said and Lucy smiled. "Yes can you help us take them out?" Lucy asked and Taurus nod before they started attacking. "Reguip!" Erza yelled and change her armor before started fighting. "Ice make: Swords!" Gray yelled and two swords made out of ice appear. "Hey. Can we make a combination attack?" Natsu asked and we nod. "Fire dragon wings!" "Wind dragon wings!" "Earth dragon wings!" "Water dragon wings!" We all yelled and attack towards Kayla and others that made them fly to the other side of the forest and the attack destroy at least half of the forset. "Maybe we should so the combination when we have a little bit tougher enemies." I said and all Erza, Gray and Lucy look at us. "That. Was. Awesome!" Lucy yelled and the two exceed agreed. "Mila! Millie!" We heard two voices before an exceed with light blue fur and white spots that look like bubbles came to my shoulder and another exceed with brown fur and black spots that look like rocks came to Millie's shoulder.

Jesse's POV
"Lotus, Stone!" Mila and Millie yelled and hugged two cats. "We missed you Mila!" The exceed said and hug Mila which make her lost balance and fall. "I missed you too." Mila said and the exceed get off. "Lets go. We have a big travel ahead of us." Mila said and we keep walking towards our next stop and I checked if Petra was ok since she got almost hit by the fireball.


Mila's POv
"Mila. I'm tired." Happy whined and I was ready to hit him with my water make magic. Yes. I can use water maker magic too. Thanks to my mother. "Ugh. Can you stop whining already Happy? Even Lotus and Stone can't stand that." I yelled and Happy shut his mouth and went behind Lucy. "Lucy. She's scary." Happy whined and I shot a death glare until I saw a cave. "Lets camp here. It's becoming a night time." I said and everyone went inside exept me because I stayed up and guarded the area.
Soon Jesse came out with Petra and tapped my shoulder. "Would you like to tell us who those three guys were and how did you know each others?" Jesse asked and I look up to the sky and then back to Jesse and Petra. "I'll explain it to you when we're inside. Ok?" I asked and both of them nod and we walked inside the cave where everyone was chatting and laughing. "Ok everyone. I guess it's time to tell you how I know those guys who we met earlier." I said and sit down between Gray and Erza. "This story happend a long time ago when we were just little kids." I said and everyone seem to be intrested.

Hi my little wolfs. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next one before that take care and be awesome. Bye!

You're my only loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora