Chapter 31

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Young Mila's POV
I was done with Misty's lesson and she let me have a break with Lotus and we were at our favourite lake to relax. "This is relaxing. No screaming, no yelling and no crying." I said as I put my feet to the cold water. "Kayla~chan. Is it really this way? Charla~chan is tired." A voice asked behind a bush which make me get up and prepare for a battle. "Who are you? Come out!" I yelled and two girls and a guy came out. One of the girls had brown hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a red T-shirt with orangish shorts and red converses. The other girl was wearing a white dress and she has a blonde hair and green eyes. And the guy had a brownish shirt and jeans with converses, his hair was dark blue and so was his eyes too. "Exuse my friends. I'm Romeo and these are Kayla and Carla. Who are you?" The guy asked and pointed the girls. "I'm Mila. And this is Lotus." I said as I pointed my exceed friend. "OMG. She's so cuteee!" Carla yelled and hig Lotus. "Sweetheart. A little help here." Lotus said and I giggled. "Ok Carla. That's enough. Lotus isn't a toy that you can hug so tigh." I said and Carla let go of Lotus who run behind my legs and we heard a roar. Well. Kayla, Carla and Romeo heard it as a roar while I heard it as Misty calling my name. "Coming Misty!!" I yelled and run back to Misty before I stopped and turn to look at my three new friends. "Meet me here at the same time as today. Ok?" I said and others nod before I run back to Misty.
Misty is actually a beautiful blue dragon with a greenish scales on her and she look at me with kindness in her eyes. "Hi Misty. Sorry it took too long. I met new friends!!" I said happily and Misty looked happy. "Did you tell them about me?" Misty asked and I hugged Lotus gently. "No. I don't trust them yet. Who knows if they're a dragon killers kids or they know a dragon killer." I said and Misty smiled before she lead me back to our training area and she look at me. "Mila. If you see a gem which is dark red and black. Don't touch it and stay as far away from it as you can." Misty said and I nod. "I will Misty. Don't worry. But what if someone touch it?" I asked and Misty look up to the sky and back to me. "Then. You have to find a stone that is pure white and make the whoever have touch the red one to touch the white one. Here. I want you to keep it." Misty said and gave me a stone in a chain and it was pure white. "Is this the stone that turn people back to normal?" I asked and Misty nod. "Thanks Misty. I will keep an eye on it.


Mila's POV
I was running back to the lake where me and the three friends of mine met up and they were there. "Sorry I'm late. Misty make me train a little bit longer today." I said as I panted and look at my friends. "It's ok. What kinda magic do you use. I use fire magic." Kayla said and show me a fire ball. "Carla~chan uses wind magic." Carla said and a tornado appeared around us before it disappeared. "And I use earth magic." Romeo said and shot couple rock towards a tree. "I... Use water maker magic." I said and did as my mother tought me and I made a statue of Misty. "Wow. That's so cool." Kayla yelled and look at the water statue that I made. "I know. My mom tought me." I said and Lotus looked happy. "Why does that cat follow you everywhere you go?" Romeo asked and I could feel how angry Lotus was. "Exuse me. I am an exceed. NOT a cat." Lotus said and her wings pop out. "Wait. You're an exceed?" Romeo asked and look at Lotus. "Duh. Didn't you know that all the dragon slayers have one." Lotus said and when she understand what she had spoken she hid behind me. "Is someone in your family a dragon slayer Mila~chan?" Carla asked and I sweat dropped until I sighed and look at them. "Yes. And it's me." I said and all of them look at me in an awe. "Cool!" They all said and I smiled too.
For that day on we were best friends and we did everything together. Until one day.

Years later

Mila's POV
Misty disappeared today and I couldn't find even if I search her high and low. Today me and others should meet again. This time they had something to show me. "I hope I will find you again Misty." I said as I look at the necklace that she gave to me before putting it back to my pocket.
"Hey guys." I said and they smiled at me. "Hey Mila~chan. Why is Mila~chan crying?" Carla asked and I wipe my tears off. "Misty's gone. I can't find her anywhere." I said and Romeo hugged me. "That's bad. But look what we found. Some random guy give it to us." Kayla said and show me the stone that Misty warned about so I backed away step by step in terror. "Mila~chan. What's wrong?" Carla asked and look at me with worry in her eyes. "Who give the stone to you? Don't you know it's a stone that turn you evil?" I asked and look at them but a cloud of black smoke covered them and I had to cough since I couldn't almost breathe. "What did you say Mila draling~? What do you say if you join our new group? It's called dead skulls." Kayla asked and came out of the smoke and she looked different. "Oh no." I said as I look at my old friends who turned evil.

Hi my little wolfs. The flashback have to continue to the next story because this chapter would be too long for it but before the next chapter. Take care and be awesome. Bye!

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