Chapter 26

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Couple years later

Petra's POV
It's been couple of years since the wedding accident and now both me and Jesse are married and we are a one happy family while Mila moved to live with Aiden and others and is now part of the team and are now the new Order of the stone, while the others got their own happy endings like, Jess and Lukas are getting married, Axel and Olivia's towns are both working together.
"Hey honey. Have fun with the work." Jesse said and kiss me to the cheek. Oh. I forget to tell you. Me and Jesse are working now. "You know we are in the same work right?" I asked and Jesse chuckled. "Right. Lets go." Jesse said and we walked out of the tempel and to the work place. You see. Jesse's the mayor and I am hid right hand. I was wearing a suit while my hair was down and the old bandana id a headband around my head and Jesse was wearing a black tux and his hair was fixed.
"Morning Petra and Jesse. How's are you both?" One of the workers asked and we look at her. "We're fine. Can you give Petra the clipboard about all the meetings from today?" Jesse asked and the women give a clip with only three meetings. "We are lucky today Jesse. We have only three meetings today." I said and Jesse kissed my cheek. "That's great news honey." Jesse said and we stepped inside the elevator. "First we have meeting with all the other towns. Including the champion city." I said and almost glare at the champion city name like I could make holes in it by just staring. "Now now Petra. We don't want to ruin the meeting. What's the other two's?" Jesse asked and I checked. "Another one is with youtubers. They want to make their own show and need some help. They asked from other popular places for help too." I said and check the last one. "And the last one- what is this?" I asked as I check the name if I didn't mistake it. "What's wrong?" Jesse asked and check the clipboard. "Meetimg with someone named Heartfilia (You might know where the name is from.) and it's about saving his daugther." I said and the elevator stopped and we entered into Jesse's office. "That last one sound interesting." Jesse said and sit down in his office table and I stand next to him. "Right. Well. The First meeting is in 3 hours so you have some time to prepare." I said and check the mark some things into the clipboard. "Ok. Now would you help me a little?" Jesse asked and I nod.


Jesse's POV
We were done by the two first ones but there was the last one. "What was the man's last name again?" I asked from Petra and she checked. "Heartfilia. Pretty strange last name." Petra said and hold onto her skirt. We were sitting on a limo and her skirt is getting up that Petra have to pull it down.
"Here we are. Uh. This is wierd." I said as I stare at a portal that was right infront of us. "Lets go in." Petra said and we walked towards the portal and got teleported to the other side.
"We're here. Heartfilia's mansion." I said and we entered to the mansion where a maid lead us into a room where at the table sit a guy with blonde hair and he didn't look happy. "Hello. You must be Mr.Jones. What a lovely lady you have with you." The guy said and shake my hand before walk to Petra and kissed her hand while Petra pushed him away and I went between Petra and Mr.Heartfilia. "Yes that's me and I don't like your attidue towards my wife. Now. To the topic." I said and Mr.Heartfilia nod and pointed the chairs. "Please. Sit down." He said and we did so. "You see. I called you because my daughter had run away and I need you to find her." Mr.Heartfilia said and I only nod. "What does your daughter look like?" I asked and the man show me a pic .

 "What does your daughter look like?" I asked and the man show me a pic

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Just ignore the pink fairy tail mark.)
"This is my daughter. Her name is Lucy. Pretty right?" Mr.Heartfilia said and I look at the photo closer. "She's beautiful but my wife is more beautiful." I said and Petra blushed. "Well. I want you to inform every guild there is and we see which one is intrested to help us." Mr.Heartfilia said and we nod. "Thank you. Now lets go Petra." I said and we walked outside the building and the workers said their goodbye before we walked outside the place. "Let me get this straight. We need to find a girl that run away from home. Are you sure this is a good idea. I mean. The girl run away which means that she don't want to live here." Petra said and I suddenly understand it all. "That's right. C'mon." I said and started running. "Where are you going?" Petra asked and followed me. "I go and ask around the place about guilds and the most famous and powerful one. I'm sure we got help from them to help with the protecting that Lucy girl from his father." I said and Petra smiled. "Great. Lets go then shall we?" Petra asked and I nod. We were at the train station and look around until I saw a familiar female with four other guys and a blue cat other one was a white cat it was floating? "Exuse me. Are you perhaps Lucy Heartfilia?" I asked and the girl turn around while one of the guys with pink hair and a scarf that look like scaled glare at me. "Yes. May I help you?" Lucy asked and Petra came next to me. "Exuse ourselfs. My name is Petra and this is my husband Jesse. Your father send us to search you but-" "NO WAY LUCY WILL NEVER GO BACK THERE!!!" The guy with pink hair yelled and shot some fire while I take out my diamond sword and block the hit. "May I ask you two to hold your friend for awhile. My wife couldn't end what she said." I said and a female with armor and scarlet hair hold only the pink haired while the other guy that was only in his underwear watch the whole thing. "As I was saying. Me and my husband decided that we won't help him but instead help Lucy here." Petra said. And all five of them look at us with shocked faces. Suddenly my phone rang and I anwser it. "Hello. This is Jesse Jones." I said and all of sudden someone started yelling. "Jesse! Mila.... S-she... She's...!" Aiden said but I didn't understand him. "What is it Aiden?" I asked and I heard crying. "Sorry about Aiden. He's not himself.. You see. Mila's gone." Maya said and I almost dropped my phone. "WHAT?!" I yelled and Petra almost dropped her clipboard.

Hi my little wolfs. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you in the next one, before that take care and be awesome. Bye!

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