Chapter 38

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Jasmine had just finished tying back her hair when her cell began ringing from the front pocket of her jeans. Without a glance at the screen she answered with a sigh. "I know I'm late. I completely forgot about covering for Sheila and then I couldn't find any of my work shirts."

"No need to rush," David replied. Although it wasn't who she had expected on the other end of the call, she wasn't surprised either. "In fact, we're closing early tonight. I'm waiting for the last of the customers to finish."

"What's the special occasion?"

"What do you mean?" David sounded confused, which was far more alarming than him closing up the diner early.

"I mean, your grandfather passed away months ago and you didn't close for the funeral. Why are you closing early tonight?"

"When you come in, we'll talk about it."

"Dave," she could hear the change in his voice. "Where's Daisy?"

"Flower's sitting down in one of the booths. She had a rough day."

"So, you're closing up shop because Daisy's having a rough day. Are you sure you're not the one who's having a rough day?"

"Have you turned on the news today?"

"No," Jasmine snatched her keys from the dresser and hurried up the stairs. "Why? Did someone get mugged in the city again?"

"There was a bombing that took out a convoy in the middle East."

"You mean a military convoy," Jasmine froze in her tracks. She was nearly to the front door when she began piecing it together. "Did they say what unit?"

"You should come by if you can," David's reply was the only answer she needed. It was Garrett's unit that was hit. "If you need a ride, or can't drive -"

"I can drive. I'll be there in a few minutes." She ended the call and her free hand covered her mouth. Her knees buckled as she gasped for air. The sound of her heart racing pounded in her ears. Closing her eyes, she took two deep breaths and attempted to regain her composure.

Sadie, who had been sleeping on her bed in the corner, finally stirred and approached Jasmine. Her wet nose nuzzled the hand that was still gripping tightly to her cell phone. Sadie's ear perked up as she heard someone outside. Jasmine looked toward the door and heard a few thuds from a fist. Taking one more deep breath, Jasmine answered the door and was confused by Liam standing there.

"I can't talk right now," She spun to say a goodbye to Sadie before stepping out onto the porch. Liam took a step back before speaking.

"Dave called me. He said you might need a ride to work."

"I can drive myself, thanks." Jasmine stepped around him and began walking to her own car.

"I know why he thinks you might need a ride and, Jazz, I would feel more comfortable if you let me take you."

"He had no right telling you anything," Jasmine shouted back. Her blood was beginning to boil as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Tilting her head back, she let the tears stream down her cheeks and past her ears. She closed her eyes and was agitated by the still flowing tears. She could hear Liam approaching as his boots crunched the gravel. First his hand fell to her shoulder, then it moved gently down her arm and finally to the keys which were barely gripped in her hand.

"Let me drive you to the diner. You don't have to talk to me or look at me. Just, let me do this, okay?" Liam felt the keys fall into his opened hand. Jasmine knew she was giving up, but she couldn't drive even if she wanted to now. Getting into the passenger seat, she watched from the corner of her eye as Liam gently started the car and backed it out of its place to travel down the driveway front end first. He hated backing up down the Meeker's drive as there is a small bend about halfway between the main road and the house that he always managed to forget about.

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