Chapter 18

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Once their shoes were returned, they walked over to his truck and drove back into town. On Main Street they saw the long line out front and Liam went around back for the forgotten parking and back entrance. They climbed out and approached the bouncer standing guard with the smokers. Liam waved to the man and he nodded back, giving them permission to enter. Opening the door, he high fived a man inhaling his cigarette. Jasmine crossed the threshold and waited. Liam nodded for her to go find Garrett as the door closed behind her.

Jasmine watched as her date started talking to the guy. She shrugged and walked over to the bar thinking it was a good starting point. She didn't make it more than halfway through the crowd when a small girl charged her, yelling cheerfully.

"You made it!"

"Yeah, I made it," Jasmine yelled back to Daisy.

"And you lost the dead weight. Good! That means the fun can continue." She linked arms with Jasmine and dragged her to a table where Garrett and David were sitting.

"You came," David smiled, tipping his beer in her direction in a lazy gesture.

"So where did he kidnap you to? Another corn field?" Jasmine saw Garrett flinch then down the rest of his beer. He slid the chair back without a word and wove his way to the bar. Jasmine held up a finger, then turned around to chase after him.

"Garrett," she called before latching her hand around his arm. He stopped, his head lulling to the side. "What is your problem?"

"You know damn well what my problem is."

"You're right. I do, but I was trying to give you a chance to get your head out of your ass and show me the guy I know. The nice guy who would rather see me smile than hurt me."

"That guy," he scoffed and reached forward to place the empty glass on the bar. Nodding to the bartender for another he turned back to her. "That guy, Jazz, is gone. He's tired of picking you back up. Tired of gluing the pieces back together while refraining from punching that jerk in the face each and every time he does something."

Jasmine looked at him with disgust. He turned for the fresh drink off the bar. She grabbed it from his hands, threw it back and replaced it on the wooden surface. "Screw you, Garrett."

"Everything okay," Liam asked stepping up behind Jasmine. His hand fell to her waist and Garrett scowled at the gesture.

"No everything it not okay," Garrett snapped.

"Back off, Gar," Jasmine barked back.

"What's the problem," Liam moved so his body was positioned between Jasmine and Garrett. The closest few started listening in. Some even blatantly stared at the altercation brewing.

"You are."

"Still," Liam chuckled. "You have to get over this issue you've got."

"It's deeper than an issue. You treat her like shit each time you pop up."

"No, he doesn't," Jasmine interjected and both men ignored her.

"At least I pay attention to her. You act like she's no one. That she's just around for you to drag along."

"You need to back off, Liam."

"Or what? You going to finally show us your true colors?" Garrett's nostrils flared as his neck reddened. He was holding back all his rage as it grew.

"Do you boys need to step outside," the bouncer from outback suddenly appeared.

"We probably should," Liam said dryly. Jasmine grabbed his hand, silently begging him to back down.

"Let's go," Garrett answered back.

The crowd parted as Garrett brushed past Liam, their shoulders colliding roughly against the other's. Liam turned and Jasmine blocked his path. Her eyes were wide as she continued to beg him without words.

"Stay in here."

"Absolutely not." He ignored her words, cupped her face and kissed her forehead. Her voice cracked as he turned to follow Garrett, "Liam. Liam please don't do this."

She followed him and felt Daisy and David on her heels. Daisy pulled at her hand trying to stop her, but she pulled it free. The trio rushed past the door and found Garrett shoving Liam, and Liam shoved him back. Jasmine could feel the tears from frustration starting. She tried to yell out as her feet propelled her forward.

"Stop it both of you," she wedged her way between them. Garrett's face was now red with anger, his temper getting the best of him. Liam was just starting to lose focus, but then his eyes fell on Jasmine. His eyes met hers and he backed down.

"Get out of the way, Jazz."

"No," Jasmine snapped at Garrett. "You two aren't going to kill each other while I'm here."

"Daisy get her out of here," Garrett called toward the building. When he didn't hear movement, he glanced back to where the small crowd had gathered. David had his hand on her arm, holding her in place.

"You don't want to do this, Gar. I know you don't." His attention went back to Jasmine. Catching sight of Liam standing closer to her again, his fists balled up at his sides.

"Jasmine," Liam whispered.

"Go home, Liam," she whispered back. Her voice was demanding as she stepped closer to Garrett. Hearing his footsteps, she shifted her body, keeping herself positioned between them. Once she knew Liam had listened and was in his truck, Jasmine approached Garrett. She held her hands up cautiously.

"Why did you do that," Garrett growled.

"To keep you from doing something reckless."

"It's not reckless when it's done with intentions." His eyes followed the beaten truck as it left the alley.

"You aren't thinking clearly. I mean, how many did you have before I got here?"

"Wow, coming from the lush queen herself." The sting of the comment showed on Jasmine's face and sobered him up pretty quick. "Jazz -"

"Don't," Jasmine snapped. Wheeling around she stormed back to the only people left. "Dave, please take him home."

"How will you two get home," David's eyes traveled between the two girls and Garrett.

"We'll find a ride," Daisy added reaching for her friend's hand and nodding at her. "Take care of him and I'll call you later."

"Let me know when you get where you're going," Leaning down David kissed her softly on the lips. He squeezed Jasmine's shoulder as he passed by them. When she was sure he was out of sight she looked at Daisy.

"Longish story," she groaned. "I'll tell you when we get back to your place."

"And this magical ride of yours?"

"Call your brother. He must owe you some sort of favor." Jasmine smiled, rolled her eyes and pulled out her cell phone. Dialing Carter's number, she held the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Car. Can you come pick me and Daisy up from Rodeo? No, Liam left. No. No. Just come pick us up. Yeah, thank you."

"He's coming then?"

"Yes, but we owe himbreakfast." Daisy squeezed her friend's hand and the two made their way to thefront of the building, choosing to walk around the block rather than throughthe judgmental stares of the crowd inside.

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