Chapter 15

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Jasmine hummed to herself as she wiped down the last table. For the first time, in a very long time, she felt she was on her way to being peaceful. She had allowed nothing to get to her. Not the angry parent who complained that she hadn't properly sealed the lid of the kiddie cup his child had spilt, or the old man who had refused to leave the restaurant after two hours of sitting. Not even Daisy who came in complaining about her latest failed fling had caused clouds.

"You're in a good mood," David commented as she entered the kitchen with the dirty dish bin tucked against her hip.

"I am," was her only reply. He accepted it and flipped the burger in front of him before dropping a basket of fries into the fryer.

"Are you kidding me," Daisy stormed into the kitchen, causing the swinging doors open in both directions. She thumbed at the door toward the dining room. "What is that god forsaken truck doing parked out front?"

"You have to ease up on the drama, Dais."

"You have to ease up on the history lesson, Jazz," she shot back.

"What's going on?" The girls looked at David before Jasmine yanked the strings of her apron and turned her back to both of them. She stuffed the material into her cubby and snatched her jacket.

"Where are you going," Daisy called after her as she slammed the back door shut.

The deep breath Jasmine took calmed her nerves. She should have spoken with Daisy, but it was clear that now wasn't the time. She was too heated, and Jasmine was slowly losing her grasp on the good mood. There was no rationalizing right now. She would explain everything to Daisy later.

Liam leaned against his truck, with his arms crossed. Jasmine knew he was waiting for Daisy to come out hollering at them. She smiled in an attempt to reassure him that Daisy wasn't rushing to the door. He pushed off of the truck causing it to rock a little. Pulling open the passenger door, he waited for her to jump in then ran back to the driver's side.

"So where to?"

"I have an idea," Liam smirked starting up the truck.

It took no time at all for Jasmine to relax enough to become the girl he used to know. Her feet were up on the seat, curved between them as she leaned against the door. The early fall breeze worked furiously through the ponytail on top of her head. Liam leaned over to the stereo and he turned up the volume. The silence wasn't as heartbreaking as he thought it would be. Deep down he was just happy to be back in her inner circle.

As they passed the main road, Jasmine's stomach knotted with want. She wants that freedom. She wants to see how far the road goes before she would have to turn. Liam caught the longing gaze. He cleared his throat for no reason, then considered the awkward gaze Jasmine casted on him.

"How was work," Liam asked knowing it was a pathetic line.

"It was actually a decent day," Jasmine replied, adjusting her position so one of her feet was on the dashboard and the other was now tucked under her. She shrugged, "Bad for tips, but it was still decent. What about you? What are you doing with all your time?"

"I'm working out at the Dillard warehouse. They threw me on nights for the first few weeks to get training out of the way. Now, I'm working on early bird so I'm always exhausted," Liam sighed, not holding back. "It was hell trying to adjust my sleep schedule, then adjust it again."

"That would explain why I haven't seen you around recently."

"I didn't want to over step either. Believe it or not Jazz, I really do care about what you think. If you're mad at me, then I'll give you space. If you are sad, I'll bring you the one thing guaranteed to lift your spirits; Peeps."

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