Chapter 21

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Jasmine sat in the corner booth, her tips stacked neatly into piles on the table. She had counted out the five-dollar bills and was now holding tight to the singles. A plastic basket was placed on the table and slid toward the center. Onion rings and mozzarella sticks were piled into the basket.

Looking up, Daisy held a beer bottle to her. With a weak smile, Jasmine set the money down and took the bottle. Daisy slid onto the bench across from her and tilted her head. She's watched Jasmine count her money thirteen times. With each pile her brow would knit together as if it wasn't adding up. She had hoped the little break would ease whatever thoughts were rolling around in her mind.

"You need to relax," Daisy mumbled talking a swig from the bottle. David came over with a basket of chicken tenders and his own beer. He nudged Daisy over, and she slid farther down the bench then put her feet on his lap. He didn't look happy at the act but didn't move them either.

"I am," Jasmine shrugged, throwing the money down on the table. She gave a sideways smirk taking a sip from her own drink.

"Are you still stressing about what happened a few weeks ago," David asked.

"No," Jasmine answered too quickly.

"Of course," Daisy gave her friend a knowing smile. "You are confused, and you have every right to be. I'm just worried that you are thinking too hard about this."

"I'm not thinking about it."

"Maybe you should take a few days?" Jasmine's gaze shifted to David.

"I don't need a few days."

"Let me be clear. You will not be scheduled at all next week. I highly recommend you use that time to refocus and clear your head. Head up to that cabin Daisy always tells me about or go camping. Some place that won't give you any distractions."

"David the wise, everybody," Jasmine chuckled. The pair stared at her with pleading eyes. She threw up her hands, "Fine, I'll take the damn time."

"Thank you," David smiled in victory. Tilting her head back she crossed her arms and rested against the benches high backing.

"How about you give me two weeks, and I promise no more drama will come with me to work?"

"Even better," David leanedacross the table offering her a hand. She stretched across and shook it.


The house was quiet. Sadie hadn't moved from her spot on the couch as Jasmine tossed her keys into the bowl and kicked off her work shoes. Pulling the hair tie, she freed her hair and allowed it to fall over her shoulders.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Jasmine looked up, and caught Abigail sitting at the dining room table, stacks of books in front of her.

"Aren't you supposed to be anywhere but here?"

"What crawled up your ass?"

"I can't do this, Abby."

"Look, I can't keep being your excuse for everything. You need to get off your high horse already."

"I'll stop using you as an excuse when you admit nothing that happened that night was my fault."

"I never said it was."

"Well, it sure felt like itfor the last, what ten years?" Jasmine snapped then disappeared beyond thebasement door.

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