Chapter 13

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"How have you been," Sarah asked setting to glass on the table where Jasmine sat. She noted nothing in the house had changed. The flower-patterned tablecloth covered the wobbly tables worn top. The ivy plant draped over the top of the fridge. Even the photos on the fridge remained under the various magnets.

"Our conversation in the store, honestly."

"Is that all?"

"I miss our talks." Jasmine's eye fell to the glass. The conversations that could take hours as they waited for Liam's arrival from where ever he was during that time.

"Why did they stop again?"

"You know why they stopped," Jasmine looked up and was surprised by the older woman's mischievous smile. With a sigh, she backtracked, "I didn't know how to keep coming here after... after everything happened."

"You mean after the break up," Sarah took a sip from her glass, buying Jasmine some time.

"It was weird between us, and I didn't know if it would feel the same with you. I couldn't handle losing both of you in one swoop."

"That's how I felt." Jasmine couldn't hide the surprise taking over her face. "After the split, I lost the closest thing I had to a daughter. Then my son left on some hairbrained trip and was gone for five years. Now, neither of you are to blame, but I have to ask. What happened?"

"We saw things differently."

"Saw things differently," the older woman repeated as if trying the phrase for the first time. "I feel it was deeper than that."

"I wasn't ready to leave. I thought I had more to do here and he felt differently."

"And what happened the first time? You two bounced back from that pretty well."

"He thought I was in love Garrett."

"The Olsen boy?" Jasmine nodded drinking her tea. "Was it true?"

"No. It wasn't true."

"And now? Is Garrett more in the picture?"

"Liam and I aren't going to get back together, Sarah."

"That's not what I asked." Her voice was flat and stern.

"I think Garrett is in the picture. Not completely, but I think it's possible." Sarah's hand covered Jasmine's and her smile returned.

"I know my son. He's direct and stubborn, but he loves you. After all this time, and all your fights. Is there a chance that while Garrett comes into the picture, Liam can take his place as a friend?"

"If he comes to me and asks then yes. We can try."

"Good," Sarah patted Jasmine'sthigh before picking up her own glass, "Now, that we have gotten that out ofthe way, tell me what you are up to?"


Jasmine heard the truck before she saw it coming up the drive. The truck slowed as Liam tried to figure out if what he was seeing was real. Jasmine Meeker, leaning against the trunk of her car parked beside his mother's. He pulled off to the side, parked the truck and got out.

"What do I owe this visit?"

"I was actually visiting your mom. Thought I might stick around for a few minutes to see you."

"You wanted to see me," Liam chuckled shaking his head. "I knew this was a hallucination the moment I drove up."

"I want to talk, Liam."

"Whoa, you want to talk? Last time I checked you were trying to cut all ties."

"I told your mom this was a stupid idea," she spat headed for the driver's door.

"Wait, wait," Liam ran over to her, placing a hand on the door. "You talked to my mom about us?"

"For the record it wasn't my plan to, but she came at me right off the bat." She watched his head slowly drop and his free hand rub his face. She noticed the faint stubble growing along his jaw and face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded looking up at her. The word was weak, and she stared waiting for him to be honest. "I thought you were done stressing about me?"

"And I thought we were still friends."

"Jazz," he sighed, "I want to be your friend, but do you really want to be mine?"

"We worked as friends. Ithink we still could." He nodded and found his hand close to hers on the cardoor. She pulled it away and took a breath. "So, want to go talk?"

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