Chapter 33

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Jasmine sat in her father's chair watching ESPN highlights with Carter. It had been a week since Garrett told her about re-enlisting. She hadn't been able to find words then, and she still hadn't the days following. When he started reaching out, asking about her, she simply groveled with Carter to talk to him.

Carter still hadn't been given details to the sudden switch, but knew better after prying a third time. She had brushed him off the first time then forced a weak excuse. The second time she finally breaking down and snapped at him in frustration.

The last time he saw his sister this twisted up was when Liam left without a word all those years ago. As he watched her cope with the battle raging inside, he couldn't help but battle with his own emotions. He was upset with himself for pushing her in the direction of Garrett and furious with Garrett for doing exactly what he had promised wouldn't happen.

Looking at his sister, all he could focus on was how red her eyes were. The blanket she had spent the weekend under was pulled up to her chin and the hood of her sweatshirt was pulled over her head. She really wanted nothing more than to just disappear, or at least be left alone. The look on her face guaranteed that she wasn't even mentally focusing on anything.

Soft footsteps called Carter to sweep his gaze to the other side of the room. Abigail stood between the dining room and the living room. Her arms were crossed as she nodded with her head toward her middle sibling. Carter shrugged, his face twisting into uncertainty. She pointed with her thumb down the hallway, suggesting he head to his room. Swallowing the lump in his throat, she slowly rose, looked at Jasmine once more and walked past Abigail. He didn't go to his room though. Instead, he took up residence on one of the stools to watch from a distance.

Abigail fell onto the couch, the end closest to her sister. She picked up one of the pillows, tossed it in her hands a few times, then chucked it at Jasmine. With a thump, it hit her in the face before falling to the floor.

"The hell, Abby," Jasmine snapped only moving her head to glare at her sister.

"You need to stop sulking, get over yourself and make up with Garrett."

"Since when do you care about my moods? Are you mad because I'm finally more dramatic than you?"

"Get off your high horse," she barked. Abigail got up, stormed over to her sister and yanked the hood off her head. "You were never the type to wallow over a boy. Don't start now."

"How would you know? You weren't here the last time, remember. You were at the resolve center because you couldn't stand being in the same room as me."

"That's not why I was at the center and you know it," her hands were on her hips as she mirrored her sisters stare. She finally broke, rubbing her forehead with one hand. "Look, you're half right. I wasn't here for the big vanishing act with Liam. I am here for this and I think you are making a huge mistake walking away."

"You would know all about mistakes," Jasmine grumbled, getting up from the chair to leave but Abigail blocked her path.

"You don't get to judge me. You have no idea what I was going through then. There was a lot to be processed after the accident, okay? You had it easier."

"Easier? I was blamed just as much as you were. I was the one who let you drive. I was the one who begged you to go with me. I put you in the situation."

"But I was the one who made the choices. I drank. I drove. I wrecked the Jeep. You were lucky and only had a fracture; a single surgery. I had three surgeries and an unhealthy amount of pain pills. I went to the resolve center because I was addicted, Jazz. Once I was clean, I was depressed. I needed help. So yes, I stayed for longer then what was planned. That wasn't because of you. I'm still learning to live with my mistakes."

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