She watched as her younger sister hung her head and covered her face. Without thinking twice, Abigail wrapped her arms around Jasmine. "Trust me. Mistakes suck, but we can learn from them. You learned from one and you can learn from another. This though, you walking away from a great guy who treats you right, this will be your biggest mistake yet. Don't make it. You will never forgive yourself."

Jasmine clung to her sister, her shoulders shaking as she cried. Abigail never showed the surprise she was feeling from her strong sister's break down. Carter watched from the doorway leaning against the wall. It was the first time in years that his sisters were within three feet of each other and not taking jabs.

"I love him, Abby."

"Why are you telling me?" Jasmine pulled back from her sister and wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. "Go tell him. You and I both know he's sitting around waiting for you to call him. He's probably got some long apology and all your favorite candy waiting too."

Jasmine chuckled at the thought,knowing Abigail was right. She wiped at her face one more time, took a deepcalming breath then went to grab her keys from the bowl. She slipped on herconverse and bolted out the door. Carter walked up to his oldest sister, slungan arm across her shoulders and whispered a praise in her ear. She patted hishand, thanking him.


Fumbling with the multiple locks on the apartment door, Jasmine cursed to herself and rushed into the apartment. She called out for Garrett when she didn't see him sitting in the living room. His place wasn't that big. Surely, he would have heard her fighting the locks as her keys banged against the door. She tripped into the kitchen and the pushed the bathroom door open.

Empty. He wasn't here. She pacedthe living room before heading to the one of the few places he could possiblybe to see her.


Jasmine turned off her car and held her breath. Sitting on the steps leading to the kitchen entrance of Dave's Diner was Garrett. The cigarette pinched between his fingers fell free to the gravel as her car turned into the lot. He pulled himself to his feet as Jasmine exited her car. His jaw was tight as he held back running to her. He knew at some point she would have to show up for a shift and he was determined to wait there every day.

Watching Jasmine take big steps, he knew she was there for him. He quickened his pace and, as he neared, opened his arms to her. Her smile was shaky as she fell into the embrace. One hand wrapped around her torso as the other cupped her head to hold her tightly. Her muffled apologies were ignored as he silently thanked her for coming to him.

When she refused to stop, he gently pulled her back and craned his face down to look at hers, "You have all right in the world to be mad, but running out on me isn't an option."

"No more running," she promised. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead before wrapping her in another hug. They broke apart again when they heard the back door scrape open and slam shut. Garrett turned a little, allowing Jasmine to look with him. Daisy stood on the top step, her hand shading her eyes from the sun.

"You two just going to stand there all day?" Jasmine sniffled, as a laugh bubbled up in her. Garrett nodded his head at Daisy. She shrugged and went back into the kitchen.

"I know it wasn't a part of the deal," Garrett's hand found hers and was happy to find her lacing their fingers together.

"It's your career. If it's something you feel you need to do, I will be here when you get back."

"Thank you," he squeezed her hand. His borrow furrowed, "How did you know I was here?"

"The apartment was empty. This was the only place in town that made sense."

"Daisy thought you would come here first," he shrugged, "Shows I know you better."

"Don't tell her that." Jasmine rested her head against his arm as they wandered in through the kitchen door.

"Employees only," David said as he peeked over his shoulder, hearing the door.

"We're going to the dining room. Calm down," Jasmine waved him off.

"Don't make it a habit," David pointed the spatula at Garrett. He held his free hand up defensively.

"Blame your staff, man."

"He likes us too much to blame us," Daisy chimed in as she pushed through the doors and slid ticket on the track for David.

"Don't push it," David grumbled. Daisy sauntered over to him, grabbed his chin and kissed him. A rush of admiration flashed across his face before vanishing. "Get out of my kitchen."

Jasmine shook her head and pulled Garrett through the doors. She was headed to the corner booth when Garrett tugged her toward him and a table with chairs instead. He let go of her hand and sat in one of the chairs. He pulled out the chair beside him, offering it to her. The corner of her mouth quirked up when she sat in the chair diagonal from him and propped her feet on the chair beside him. He mimicked her movements, his feet now beside her.

"Are we allowed to talk about the new changes," Garrett asked, resting his body against the back of the chair and crossing his arms.

"We will have to at some point, right?" He nodded slowly. "What will reenlisting mean? Another transfer? More tours? More weekends spent training?"

"All possible, yes. I can request to go inactive. It might take some time to have the paperwork confirmed but then I'm more likely to stay put and only have to put in so many hours of work." Now it was her turn to nod. He tilted his head, as she bit her lip and twisted the ring on her thumb. "Jazz?"

"Is that what you want? Do you want to go to inactive? I mean, you wouldn't really be able to go and serve your country like you are now."

"No, I wouldn't," he replied then reached forward to cover her hand with his, "But I signed up for this when I was still trying to figure out my next move in life. My next move involves you. If that means taking a step back until we are both able to handle all of this, then I'm willing to do that."

"And you're certain?"

"There are very few things I'm ever certain about. This is one of them."

Garrett leaned back, removing his hand from hers. He nodded his chin toward Daisy as she swatted as his feet. After he moved them, she set down a basket of appetizers and sat beside Jasmine. Pinching as fried pickle, she blew on it then popped it into her mouth. Garrett looked at all the food then back to Daisy.

"It's a reconciliation tradition." She smiled at Jasmine and bumped her shoulder against her friends. Jasmine rested her head on Daisy's shoulder as she popped another pickle into her mouth. She gestured to the basket and Garrett shrugged taking a curly fry. "When do you ship out?"

"Two days."

"Then back in a year?"

"Yeah," Garrett looked atJasmine and felt his stomach knot as he watched her take a deep breath. Thistime it would be different for both of them. A year of letters and long-distancecalls between friends is easier. They both knew it, but they had to make thiswork. Garrett turned to Daisy and nodded toward Jasmine. Without sayinganything she nodded. He asked the same favor each time he left. "It'll fly by."

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