“It makes sense in my mind, okay?” I said, poking my pasta with a fork. 

“So…” I coughed, “You and Niall?” I smirked at Brittany, as I watched her cheeks burn red.

“Yeah… he’s great…” she said quietly, as she smiled to herself. I laughed at her embarrassment, and nudged her with my elbow.

“C’mon Britt, I’m your best friend. Tell me. EVERYTHING.” She looked up at me slowly and then I watched as her mouth turned into a huge smile.

“He’s just so cute Chloe. I’ve never liked someone this much! I mean I don’t love the guy, not yet at least, but he’s just so amazing! And he eats all the time, and then he tells me he never shares food, but then he shares with me, and it makes me feel so special! And- aaah! He’s so cute Chloe you have no idea and-” I cut Brittany off as I looked at the time, Danielle and Eleanor would be arriving about now.

“Britt he sounds perfect but we have to get going!” I said, placing some money on the table and grabbing my purse as Brittany followed behind.

“Why?” Brittany asked, whoops, forgot to tell her who was coming today.

“Shit, forgot to tell you, Eleanor and Danielle are coming today.” Brittany immediately sped up her words, and I could tell she was excited to meet the girls’ as well. 

Harry’s P.O.V

“Eleanor!” Louis shrieked as he went and engulfed his girlfriend in a huge hug, and then as they pulled away he kissed her. I smiled at their cuteness, and I smiled at the fact of how happy Eleanor made my best friend, and I couldn’t thank her enough. 

I looked over at Liam who was nervously biting his nails, waiting for Danielle’s arrival. He walked over to Eleanor. 

“Uh… El, any idea where Dani is?” he said, looking around. 

“Yeah, she’s just talking to the concierge, she’ll be here in a minute Liam!” Eleanor said reassuringly. And in that moment Danielle walked in and jumped on Liam, engulfing him in a huge hug. Liam seemed shocked at first, but as soon as he realized who it was, he immediately hugged back. 

I swear I saw Liam’s eyes tear up, you could honestly feel the love in the room. After Danielle hopped off and they shared a kiss, Me, Niall and Zayn went over, greeted and hugged both of the girls. 

“We’re here! We’re not too late are we?” I heard Chloe’s loud voice course through the lobby. All heads turned to her as me and the boys chuckled at her and Brittany. They both walked up to the group and turned to Eleanor and Danielle. 

“Hi you must be Eleanor and Danielle! Nice to meet you, I’m Brittany, Niall’s girlfriend.” Brittany said to them, as she hugged both girls. 

“Hi love! Wow Niall, great catch!” Eleanor winked at Niall, as he blushed. 

“And you must be Chloe! The girl Harry’s been talking about on end!” Danielle said giving me a hug, and then Eleanor next.

“That’s me!” I blushed, when I looked over at harry he was staring at the ground blushing, he was so cute.

Eleanor looked from me to Harry and smirked to herself, Louis right next to her, arm around her shoulder.

“You two are an item?” she said with a smile. Me and Harry looked up at her.


“Not exactly…”

Me and Harry said at the same time. We both looked at each other and looked away as soon as we made eye contact.



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