Starbucks! He is at the corner table!

Start from the beginning

Jackson George  ( POV )

         I can't seem to not love this corner of Starbucks ever and so here I am! On my off day  working on a menus for the next three days! Huddled in this quiet corner.
          Seeing the morning rushers of coffee come in to get their fix!
        I love being a chef! Seeing the faces react to my food. Been loving cooking since I could be old enough to be in the kitchen with my mom and grandma.
         After this menu planning I am getting in a much needed boxing session at 2 pm! Until then let me think food.
          As I am thinking food I see her come in rushing! She is in a tizzy looking around and big eyed! She is late for something! Yes she is.
         I can't help but smirk cause this beautiful dark skinned woman with her cute pigtails and pink with black workout gear on! Can't stop her dancing in line.
        Her eyes roll at the person in front of her ordering too many coffees! Digging in her purse she pulls out her phone.
          I love every minute of watching her in this way! She real and I wanna talk to her! But I will watch her for now.
         Man! I stopped planning the menus to see this beauty. It's attractive that she is herself funny and in a hurry! Love it!
          Oh! She heard me laugh at her! She turns around smiles and laughs back with me! I shake my head to her with her shaking hers back in her cute frustration.
           I could watch her more but I got a meeting and then the boxing session. I walk pass her and she smells sweet! Wishing I could say something to her!
           But! I will just remember her smile and laugh and interacting I had with her from my corner table until!

 I walk pass her and she smells sweet! Wishing I could say something to her!            But! I will just remember her smile and laugh and interacting I had with her from my corner table until!

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Jackson George POV

I am hitting it in this gym! Letting steam loose! The lady at Starbucks is still on my brain! I am trying to stay focused but I sense the sweet of her perfect perfume!
As I passed by her headed out to my black hummer! I looked back to see if she was looking at me but she wasn't! I looked back to look at her too! Her body was beautiful to me.
As I think of her! I gotta get done with this workout and go home to crash! Get some rest! Doing boxing and martial arts gives me a strong strength. It's a peace giver too!
So let me go back and knock this out!
     The workout was intense but great! I am sweaty and checking on things at the restaurant.  If I had enough nerves I would have invited her to the restaurant tomorrow night. Dummy me! Lol! Knowing I wanna know her more!
        Check you guys later! I am out the gym!

 Dummy me! Lol! Knowing I wanna know her more!         Check you guys later! I am out the gym!

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