Chapter 31: A New Life

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A couple of weeks passed and I had gotten a hang of the advertising jig. I went from barely any confidence to fill out bellowing the slogans and such.
Mystery Guy decided to help me get my drivers license so I could possibly get a vehicle and start driving. Fun.
        I sighed and stared up at my ceiling of a room that I had officially made mine. Mystery Guy gave me $150 to purchase pictures and posters if I wanted. So I went and purchased Panic! at the Disco, as well as a few Ariana Grande and then a BTS poster or two. They were neatly hung on my wall. I had to be organized.

    I observed them as I thought about nothingness and contemplated life as I knew it. The average teenage thing to do.
    Normal teenagers would be in school or just graduating. As for me, I am an advertiser of a once failing-but now rising company.
    The company still isn't the best by no means, however it is way better Than it was.   The guy who told me a thousand thanks, actually got a job. He applied down at the convenience store. I had never seen him so happy.
  My heart felt warm as I walked in there and saw him cleaned up and in uniform. The company kept its promise. I made sure of it.

I was going to have to go out and advertise again. It was starting to get old but it beat sitting there and doing nothing. I got dressed and before I knew it, Mystery Guy had dropped me off and was heading to the company while I reeled in customers.
I caught a glimpse of a few familiar faces, however, none of them were Chase. I was slightly disappointed by his absence, but I was more scared. What if he went against our agreement. I didn't want to think about it, so I pushed it out of my mind.

        I stood on the street for about 30 minutes before to females walked up. They were familiar faces, Candace and Tamera. They had been together for 3 Years. Longest relationship I had seen on the streets. Usually the stress and longing for food and such led to deceit.

     Candace flashed me a smile, "Hi London!" She seemed chipper.
    I waved shyly and yawned, "Hi Candace."
Tamera hid behind her slightly. She had always been shy.
"Whatcha advertising?" She tilted her head as she tried to get Tamera out from behind her.
       A few exchanged giggles between the two, I explained.
    They seemed intrigued for the first time in forever. I smiled slightly as they exchanged concerned looks.

   "Isn't that the same company that practically took everything Larry had?"
Larry was the man the company had done wrong in the past. He died a year after due to drug overdose.
         No one attended his funeral...

     I further explained what I could.

"Come on Candace. Have you seen the new guy in the convenience store?" I asked with my signature perked eyebrow.
She nodded, "Yeah."
"That guy use to be on the street. Now he has a place, and a job. And about to go to college for some education."

Her eyes widened. After minutes of talking amongst themselves, they decided to get into the program with the company.

    I went home that evening with the sense of accomplishment. The new life I was living was amazing....

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