Chapter 14: Warmth of a Heart

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I started to head back to my overly saturated box from the night before with Gabe on his brand new leash. I felt somewhat classy walking with Gabe on the bright blue leash in his dark teal collar. At least I could have something to show for.
Gabe just pranced by my side, not minding the leash that was hanging in front of his eyes. I wrapped some of the slack around my hand so he didn't have to have it dangling in front of his face. We started to pass the bus stop and I saw someone laying on the bench of it. I peeked and sure enough it was him.

"Mr. Peterson!" I chirped. He looked and leaned up with his nearly toothless grin, "Well hello London!" His voice was as enthusiastic as ever, "How are you doin'?"
I went and sat beside him and gave him a hug, "Doing pretty good for once!"
Gabe sat in front of us with his head tilted and his tongue hanging from his mouth. He pawed at Mr. Peterson's old worn out Sandals as he puppy barked.
Mr. Peterson chuckled, "That's great! And who's your little friend?"
"That's Gabe!"
"He's a beautiful breed—German Shepherd.. where did you find 'em?"
"He was outside of my box. Once he saw me, he wouldn't leave." I couldn't help but grin. Finally, someone who wouldn't leave.
"I guess that means y'all were meant for each other." He said as he patted my shoulder.

"I guess so!"
We both watched as cars drove by. Gabe laid down and I started to hear something. I looked at Mr. Peterson. He was holding his stomach and giving a look of discomfort. I peeked an eyebrow and glanced from his stomach and his face.
"Are you alright?"
He then noticed me halfway staring and stopped holding his stomach, "Oh! Of course. Just a little hungry that's all."
I never seen someone give such looks when hungry. But who knew the last time he had an actual meal.
maybe Chase could get him something!

I stood to my feet, "Come with me!" I grinned big and held out my hands. I really wanted to get back to my box. But. Mr. Peterson needed me.
"Where we going?" He took my hands and I pulled him up and steadied him.
"I have a friend who can get you an actual meal," I gathered his raggedy bag of what looked like junk, but I knew it wasn't.
I made it a point to never openly assume something was trash just because it looked like it. Many think my box is trash—-but in actuality it's my home. Mr. Peterson's stuff may look like trash, but it's something different to him.
I slipped the bag over my shoulder and held his old, dry hand. He was getting up in age. I was surprised he had lasted that long on the street. But he's a warrior. That's what the streets make a person into if they truly wish to survive.

"A meal?" Both of his eyebrows perked up as if he hadn't heard the word 'meal' in decades. I nodded. "Yes sir. He helped me get a meal."
I slowly led him to the usual spot where the group met up everyday. We rounded the corner and there they were. I tried to scan the crowd for Chase before we got too close, but I couldn't see him.
I glanced at Mr. Peterson, whom was panting like Gabe from the walking we did.
"Here, stay here and I'll go get my friend if he's there." He gave me a nod and I handed Gabe's leash to him before I turned and headed toward the crowd.

Please be here Chase.

I thought as I made my way through the stray people doing deals. I slowly enclosed on the more dense part of the crowd where I saw Chase dealing something.
"Chase!" I called out and waved my arms in the arm to grab his attention. After a minute or so, he told the crowd goodbye and came out of it to where I was standing at the time.
"Hey London, what's up?" He asked as he shoved a few KitKat bars into his pocket.
"I need a favor."
"What kind of favor?"
I hated to ask favors from anyone. It made me feel like I'm using them.
I looked back at o'l Mr. Peterson and bit my lip, "My friend hasn't had an actual meal since—I don't know how long. Do you think you could—?"
"Grab him some grub?" He smiled at me.
I glanced at him and nodded, "He's really hungry. He looks like he's in pain."
"Come on.." he took my hand and started leading me back to Mr. Peterson.
I allowed him to drag me back to him and we stopped in front of them. "Hello, I'm Chase."
Chase gave him a warm smile and held out his hand for Mr. Peterson to shake.
Mr. Peterson took it and shook it.
"I'm James Peterson," Mr. Peterson said in a raspy voice.
"Are you hungry?"
I could tell Mr. Peterson was hesitating.
Yes, he's hungry. I think...
Mr. Peterson then nodded, "Yes-"
"Let's go get you something," Chase took the leash from him and held onto it himself.
Mr. Peterson looked Chase up and down, "Son, you don't have to do this. You're young, you use whatever privileges or such for yourself. Not on some old coot like me."
Chase shook his head, "Family comes first." He protested.
Mr. Peterson looked as if he was about to cry at that point. Even I myself was getting tear filled eyes.
Family..... I like the sound of that. Is that what Chase considered me as? Family?
My heart felt warm and a smile appeared on my face as I followed behind the two as they talked. Gabe hung back with me, given the slack from Chase.

Chase... Chase is like a big brother. A good one, with a warm heart....

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