Chapter 25: An Hour

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We took the same route we took up to the apartment back down to the car. Gabe wasn't fond of the leash. I felt odd. I was clean, and people were still staring. Was it because I didn't have a bra on? I crossed my arms across my chest and I think he noticed I didn't have a jacket when I did that.

He slipped his jacket off and placed it over my shoulders. I felt my face get slightly warm. He continued to the vehicle and then loaded Gabe into the back of it. I climbed in on the passenger seat. The seat felt even more comfortable now. He climbed in on the other side and closed his door.

He glanced at me and smiled.

"So, where do you want to go?"

"Where do I want to go?"

"Yeah, for clothes?"

He was serious about buying me clothes?

"Um, I--I don't know.."

"Well, what do you like?" He asked.

I didn't know what I liked. I just knew as long as it was clothes that would keep me covered and warmed, I would be content.

"Listen, I don't know," I sighed, "I never just shopped for the heck of it."

"This isn't just for the heck of it though-- you need clothes." He looked me from head to toe and then smiled, "unless you want to forever wear my shirt and shorts?"

I looked down at the clothes and blushed darkly and shook my head.

"Okay then..." He looked out his window and then in the rearview mirror at Gabe.

"We can go to JCPenney, and Macy's. Or we can go to somewhere like Buckle."

Buckle was expensive. Me? In Buckle clothes? I pondered. He was the one who wanted to buy my clothes.

"Buckle will be fine."

He smirked, "You have good taste." He put the car in drive and we headed out to Buckle.

The drive was smooth. Barely any bumps. It reminded me of Chase's voice. Smooth. The way he would hold some words when speaking. The seat even reminded me of him. It was warm, and comforting. I missed Chase's embrace. Even though he only saw me as if I were a little sister, I saw him as so much more. Yes, it was a brother figure, but those feelings were replaced. Replaced by a much more stronger feeling. I wanted him to know---but I didn't. Where was he right then? What was he doing? Was he even still alive?

He could be out there cold, hungry, dying. And here I am in a car with an almost total stranger, warm, clean, and about to be wearing some name brand clothes. I understand I am quite fortunate. But, I couldn't fight the guilt of how diverse the social classes are.

How this Mystery Guy has given me so much more than Chase ever did, in only a matter of an hour or so. Chase had been with me ever since I got on the streets. And yet, he was outdone in an hour. A year of work out done in an hour.

An hour...

Something about it tore me up. I felt as if I betrayed or tossed Chase and everything he had ever done aside. All the times he had sacrificed his meal for me, or gave me the article of clothing he found. I felt it in my gut. I couldn't do that to Chase. He sacrificed a lot for me, and I haven't done a thing to repay him. I had to find Chase.

"Stop the car," I suddenly said, breaking the calm silence that once existed. Gabe's ears perked up, and I could've sworn that if the Mystery Guy had dog ears, they would have done the same.


"I can't do this."

"What do you mean?"

He slowly brought the car to a stop on the side of the highway, near the sidewalk.

"I have had too many people sacrifice too many things for me to just throw it away just because I got lucky."

"Street Chick---"

"Listen, thank you for all of this. But---I can't turn my back on my friend." With that, I got out and shut the door. I was going to get Gabe, but I knew I wouldn't be able to support him if something happened to Chase. I didn't want to take that risk. Gabe would have a better future anyways if I just allowed him to stay with the Mystery Guy.

The Mystery Guy rolled down the window, "What about your dog?!" He was surprised.

"Keep him," I wanted to cry right then. What was I doing?

"He needs a good owner who will give him a good home and food to eat."

I heard Gabe whine in the backseat and try to climb into the front seat until he stretched his arm over to the passenger seat, blocking Gabe's path.


Before he could finish his sentence, I walked away.

I had to find Chase. I don't know what I was going to do if Chase wasn't with the group. I needed him. I couldn't leave him behind. He had done too much for me for me to just leave him behind. HE deserved to get off the street more than anyone. He always put others before him. It was my turn to put him before myself.

I heard the car speed off furiously behind me. I took his clothes and his jacket. I suppose I should have at least gave his jacket back to him, but nope.

I just couldn't do that to Chase, dying or not. He deserved to be paid back. I wanted to do all I could do to help him, instead of being selfish. Which, I suppose---in his mind, being dead probably would save him from the misery of the streets. But I refuse to let an illness take my friend.


Whatever he is to me...

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