Chapter 22: Mysterious Kindness

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I checked the group everyday for a week straight. He was there everyday and each time I laid eyes on him relief flowed throughout my body. Everyday that he was alive was a good day.

I waited at the bus stop with Mr. Peterson for about an hour before he spoke to me. He had been out of it lately. I feared that he may have been developing Dementia of some sort. He somewhat had trouble remembering my name too.

"Good morning---London was it?"

I nodded and smiled, "Good morning Mr. Peterson. Staying warm?"

He was wrapped in a blanket, a red plaid one. He still wore a grey beanie on his head and hole filled gloves. I hardly understood the reason he wore them, it wasn't like they kept his hands warm.

"A little bit! If it gets any colder I may have to find myself a burrow to sleep in."

"For real!"

I shivered as the wind blew against us. The bus would be coming soon, but to my surprise the next vehicle that pulled up, wasn't the bus. It was a familiar vehicle. One that I had seen before.

"Hey Street Chick," It was him.

I smiled slightly and waved.

"What you doing out in this cold?" He perked an eyebrow.

"I live out here--remember?"

He chuckled slightly and killed his car. He exited the vehicle and walked over to me after rounding the front of the car. Gabe growled and barked a few times before I popped his nose.

"Dang, he's grown," He said.

Gabe had grown significantly in such a short period of time. I was just happy he was still alive.

"Looks like he's been eating good too," he examined Gabe up and down. He patted his back a few times and then squeezed between me and the rail of the bench.

"What do you want?" I asked. It was unusual for someone to just randomly go and sit next to me.

"Just wondering how you've been. Haven't seen you around much."

Yeah, because I had been trying to find places to remain warm. But it wasn't like he would understand that. There he was driving a Ferrari and wearing Buckle clothing. He could have access to heat and meals anytime he wanted.


I figured I would have to kiss meals goodbye and go back to small infrequent snacks.

"I've been here," I shrugged and slouched on the bench.

I felt his eyes on me and I felt somewhat uncomfortable. I stood to my feet, Mr. Peterson's was now on me.

" I have to go." I said and started walking off.

The Mystery Guy hopped to his feet and followed me just like Gabe. Well not exactly like Gabe.

"Wait," he grabbed my arm. I shot a look at him and he chuckled.

"Listen, I know what you're thinking," He said. I doubted he did.

"Most likely not."

"You think I am some creep who will give you a meal and place to stay in exchange for sex," He was dead on correct. It wouldn't be the first guy to offer either. "However, you're wrong. One, I am not a hoe. Two, I wouldn't take advantage of someone in your situation--or in fact, anyone. That's wrong. And three, I am a nice guy who wants to help you out, out of the kindness of his heart." He smiled at me warmly. I felt my cheeks flush until I shook my head and looked down at the ground.

I didn't need his help, all I needed was Chase. Chase was the only one who needed to help me.

"Come on," He took my hand, not forceful, but gentle. "I'll buy you some new clothes, I'll give you a place to stay, food to eat and only thing I ask in return is that you try and pick yourself back up and maintain the things."

I tilted my head to the side, somewhat confused.

He sighed slightly, "I help you onto your feet--but you gotta promise me you'll walk when it comes time."

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"Because, you deserve better than this."

"Doesn't everyone?"

A look of surprise appeared on his face and it was as if I intrigued him. He smirked at me and shook his head slightly.

"Good point," He said, "But--"

There's always a but.

"I can only help one person at a time, and it just so happened to be you. Now come on, please."

He wasn't going to let me go. He was determined that he was going to give me a chance at redeeming myself I suppose.

"Okay..." I gave in. "Can Gabe come?"

He glanced down at Gabe, whom was all eyes and tongue staring back up at him.

"Of course," he patted Gabe's head and led us back to the car.

To my surprise, Mr. Peterson was already asleep.

I climbed into the passenger seat of the car while he loaded Gabe into the back seat.

He circled the front and got in.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded and he drove us away... 

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