Chapter 7: Night Falls

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As the evening drew nearer, the wind grew more chill. I decided to head back to the convenience store to purchase one of those big pretzels that I had seen earlier. It made my mouth water thinking of just the warmth of it.
Though I had just eaten, I was still hungry. It had been 3 days since my last meal before I had eaten that protein bar.
   It still surprised me what a person would do for a little food.
I walked awhile and then rounded the corner that led to the convenience store. The night began to fall quick as I drew closer. I didn't like being out of my box during the night. There was too many creeps looking for sluts and such to satisfy their sexual desires.
   I picked up my pace once I passed a rather dark man that gave me the cat call. I reached the store and swung the door open as I walked in.
There was a different store clerk that time.

The medicine.
Was my only thought right then and there as I felt slight pain in my lower abdominal area. I bit my lip and headed to the back of the store where I was about to grab a bottle of ibuprofen.
    I grabbed the bottle and headed to the front. If being pain free meant I would be a little hungry and cold for the night, it would be worth it. 
I placed the bottle on the counter with utmost confidence. The lady looked at me and then the bottle. Her look was filled with suspicion, in which I assumed it was because of my appearance.

My eyes landed on the pretzels once again as she scanned the bottle of medicine and told me the amount to be paid. I wanted one so bad. I could taste the salt on my tastebuds and the warmth in my mouth. My stomach begged for it and yet my cramps begged for medicine.  If I were to get the pretzel I wouldn't be able to get the medicine. And vice versa.
"Hello? Ma'am, that'll be two dollars."
I snapped back into reality and grabbed my left over five dollar bill.
So hungry...
I handed her the money as she popped open the register and started counting my cash back.
She glanced up at me once again and caught me staring at the pretzels.
"Are you hungry?"
I bit my lip and shook my head. I lied.
I hated pity, even though I really wanted that pretzel.
She gave me a smile of sympathy.
"I know you're homeless,"
Is it that noticeable?
"I was in here when Sam gave you a hard time this morning, I'm terribly sorry for that." She handed me my change.
"It's alright. I get it a lot."
As I said before, it wasn't anything new to be given dirty looks and denied service in stores and such.
"You shouldn't. There are a lot of dishonest homeless people but there's also a lot of dishonest people who aren't homeless,"
I hate that word...homeless...
"It doesn't mean he should assume you're going to use these the wrong way," she bagged the medicine and handed it over to me.
"Listen, I'm Amy. I'm the manager here. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She leaned over the counter and motioned me closer, "I have been in your situation before. I know what it's like. I may have not been your age at the time but I know it's even harder. If you want one of those," she nodded toward the warm, salty pretzels, "You can have as many as you want. Just ask." With that, she stood upright again and smiled.

"What shifts do you work?" I asked.
"I work all week except Sundays after four PM."
"I'll come by tomorrow then," I turned and walked out.

The cold breeze hit my face as if someone slapped me with their hand. It was for certain that winter was getting closer.
Another cold night to endure.

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