Chapter 23: Modernization

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We arrived at a massive apartment building. Modern white with big windows. The window panels toward the top of the building was reflective and you could see the clouds and sky in them. My eyes widened at the sight and my mouth dropped. I suppose that the Mystery guy figured that I was surprised due to the smirk he had on his face and a chuckle under his breath.

I had never been to anything so--clean? Nice? I couldn't find the word for it. The description was far beyond my vocabulary skills.

We drove into a slightly less nice concrete structure where hundreds of other cars were parked. A parking garage I assumed, though it was still 10 times as nice as any parking garage I had ever seen. He put the car in park and got out once we found an open spot. Gabe barked and paced rapidly in the backseat. I remained seated. The seat was so comfortable. I couldn't remember the last time I sat on something like it. It even had heat generating from it. I was in love with it and didn't want to remove myself from it. But who would? You spend all your time in the cold, you wouldn't want to leave either.

He opened the back door and Gabe jumped out and started running as if he were a maniac. He wagged his tail and ran around the garage before he stopped suddenly and peed on someone's tire.

I gazed out the window into the side mirror and watched him continue to run. The Mystery Guy kept a close eye on him. He stood there with his hand shoved into the pockets of his black Columbia jacket. His shoulders looked even more broad and strong as he stood there upright. I couldn't help but blush slightly.

I glanced around the car once more before I heard a knock on my window. I turned my attention to it to see him standing there.

"You gonna get out, Street Chick?" He asked through a pearly white smile.

I sighed slightly and opened the door. The seat was losing its heat anyway.

He helped me out without even hesitating.

He wasn't afraid of catching something from me. He didn't care. He didn't care that my hair was matted, that my clothes were torn up, or that even my hands were covered in filth of who knows what and my fingernails filled with dirt and mud.

I felt slightly embarrassed, but there was no one else, so I shook it off. It didn't matter.

"You like the car?" he asked with that perked eyebrow. I looked down at our feet and nodded.

"That was the first time I was in one in a long time."

His smile grew, "Well, I'm honored that I was the one to reunite you to the luxury of a vehicle."


Having a vehicle should be treated as a luxury. When you live on the streets, nobody has that. If they do, it doesn't run. It's broken and old. It's used as a bed, and shelter from rain or snow. It isn't used as transportation, or for heat and A/C.

"Come on," he firmly grabbed my hand and started leading me down the garage. I tried to match his pace, but he was too quick on his feet. Gabe even had trouble keeping up. He stopped and I nearly ran into him when we arrived at the elevators.

"Geez, could you walk any faster?" I said sarcastically.

He snickered and shook his head as he pressed the 'up' button.

A minute later, the doors opened and Gabe ran in before us. With one step, we step in. He hits a button and the doors closed.

I leaned against the rails and watched as Gabe tried to steady himself from the sudden upward momentum.

I caught the Mystery Guy, whom I still don't know the name of, glancing at me and Gabe several times before we arrived at whatever floor he demanded.

He took my hand once again and led me through the white tiled, white walled, and white furnished lobby. It was modern, and slightly futuristic. As if it were out of one of those movies they play in the theaters.

The place smelled of bleach. It was very clean. There weren't many people in there. I was relieved. We passed several small inside plants, in which I haven't seen in forever. His hand was warm, and bigger than mine. He led me with authority and without shame. Some of the lobby people stared as she took me into another elevator with Gabe following close behind.

Once he was in, the Mystery Guy then pressed another button and we were heading up once again.

A few minutes passed and we were at a door and he was digging in his pocket for a key. He withdrew a key from his pocket and stuck it into the lock on the door and twisted it and then opened the door.

I was somewhat scared to even set foot into the apartment. I was afraid I was going to contaminate it or something.

"So," he began, "Here's the plan." He placed his key on a rather expensive grey, glossed stone countertop.

"You go into the bathroom and wash up some. You can borrow on of my T-shirts so you don't have to wear that hole filled one. As for pants, I don't have any that would fit you, but you could help yourself to a pair of shorts. I know it's cold but its better than what you're wearing right now."

I was slightly offended, but he was right. The clothes I had on was all torn and holes were all in them. They were covered in dirt and mud and stains too. I just nodded and looked around a moment. Unaware of where the bathroom was in the large apartment. There was at least 4 doors set aside from the one we entered through.

He must have picked up on my cluelessness immediately.

"It's down that hall, the last door on the left."

There's a hall?

I turned and spotted the hall way that seemed to have at least another 3 rooms down it. I gulped slightly and shuffled my feet back and forth. The sudden urge to pee hit me.

"Might wanna hurry," He said chuckling. I pursed my lips and gave him a slight look before heading down the hall.

"By the way!" He called out, "My room is the last door on the right."


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