Chapter 74: The Cloud Kingdom

Start from the beginning

Kai jumps grabbing ahold of the Aeroblade's handle before Bansha can attack him.

Ghoultar continues to grappling with Zane's Mech. "Hahaha, Ghoultar never let you leave!" Ghoultar declared.

Zane tied both their mechs together with cable. "Then it's off the plank for you! Ghoultar!" Zane said as he activated the boosters and jumps out sending both their mechs off the mountain unaware that (Y/N) was also inside the Mech-enstein with Ghoultar.

"Come on, we have to get outta here!" Kai shouted and lead his brothers across the Hanging Temple bridge.

Soul Archer shoots one of his arrows at the bridge it hits the bridge causing the bridge to slowly turned to a ghost bridge underneath them. The Ninja's scream as they run barely reaching the other side in time.

"Come on. There's no time to lose. We're almost there!" Kai stated still leading the charge.

Jay spots Morro climbing up icicles as they continue their trek up the mountain. "There he is! We're still in this."

Morro kicks off an icicle sending it at the Ninja. The Ninja to use their Aeroblades as a shield.

Jay falls off but Cole catches him. "I got you! We've got this!" Cole announces proudly pulling Jay back up.

The wind starts to wail again all around them. "We'll never make it in time!" Zane says in despair. "We will if we do one thing. Cyclon-do!" Kai told his brothers.

"But I never practised. What if I don't make it? What if I just blow off the mountain? What if I fall and die!?" Cole said starting to panic.

"Don't worry. You're a Ghost and Ghosts can't die." Kai stated and he successfully does Airjitzu.

Jay and Zane also successfully use Airjitzu to reach him. "We'll catch you. Just trust us. Just jump." Jay said as all three hold out their arms ready to catch him.

"Ghosts can't die. Ghosts can't die." Cole repeated to himself and launches himself into the air and lands on the other three Ninja.

The Ninja groans as they sit up. "Look! The Blind Man's Eye!" Kai said as the storm started to touch down on the mountain.

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