Chapter 18: Ninjaball Run

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

(Third Person P.O.V)

Nya had taken (Y/N) along with her to the auto body shop. Keeping her away from the Ninja and Dareth.

Nya found it fascinating that (Y/N) was such an accomplished fighter but knew so little about personal interactions and Ninjago as a hole.

"So, fill me in, what were they like." Nya questioned (Y/N).

(Y/N) let out a yarn. "Who?" She'd had the most dreadful nights sleep last night filled with nightmares again.

"Those clones of my brother and the rest of the team." Nya explained.

"The exact same: annoying only with pale skin and red eyes." (Y/N) yarned again she was falling asleep standing up.

Nya let out a sigh that wasn't what she meant but (Y/N) was a closed off person so you hardly got any information out of her.

"Wait, there was one difference the clone of your brother was nice to me which was really weird." (Y/N) said rubbing her eyes she was falling asleep where she was standing.

Nya giggled. "Nice? how was he nice?"

"It was more weird to me than nice but he started complimenting me, and calling his original a fool." (Y/N) informed Nya.

Nya immediately pounced on that piece of information. "Complementing you, How so? What did he say exactly, the exact words."

"Exact words?" (Y/N) questioned thinking back to what the Bizzaro Ninja had said to her.

"--this beautiful, untouchable goddess just walks into his life and instead of pledging his heart to her, he decides to be her enemy, What an idiot--" (Y/N) said quoting Bizzaro Kai.

Nya started gushing at what she had just be told. "WOW." Nya said with a smile know something that (Y/N) didn't, thinking back to her own little interaction with Jay's copy.

"That wasn't even the strangest thing Cole's copy licked the back of my hand." (Y/N) continued.

"Wait, Cole's copy licked you?" Nya questioned. "Yeah, like this." (Y/N) demonstrated what on her own hand what Bizzaro Cole had done and Nya started to giggle.

(Y/N) was so innocent in matters of the heart it was adorable. "(Y/N), he wasn't licking you he was kissing you." Nya giggled at the confused look on (Y/N)'s face. This was even better then Nya could have hoped for.

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