Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Walking through the door, Kaliska's skin flushed by the scent of someone new and barely familiar. Kaliska held onto Maia's hand through the house, reaching the dining room. In view, Kaliska saw her adoptive parents sitting at the table. Their eyes raised to Kaliska, warmth and love in their eyes. There was also openness and acceptance.

It was good to smile back at them without bitterness lodged behind her eyes. They still had much to work through, but Kaliska could now let go of the anger. Believing she lost her mother through some sense into her.

Stepping into the dining room, Kaliska watched as someone stood fast. His back was turned to her, broad shoulders still from lack of breath. When he turned to face her, his eyes were sapphire. Zara stood beside him. It seemed they were all in the middle of a conversation. Kaliska was sure they knew she was coming in. But perhaps, was too wrapped in conversation to notice.

"Hi," Kaliska had no other way of starting this conversation. Her heart was pounding. In the depths of her throat, Kaliska's vocals clamped. Speechless was a rarity.

Maia squeezed Kaliska's hand. She smiled at Zara happy to see her best friend happy. "You're glowing," Maia said to Zara.

Same goes for the both of you." Zara smiled back and looked to her daughter.

It seemed all Lucian and Kaliska could do was stare at each other with the same curved eyes and dark long lashes. Everyone around waited for one of them to speak.

Kaliska let go of the barricade around her heart. The air was thick with emotions. It was important to let everyone see that she was breaking down her walls. It was the walls that prevented her from joining this pack. And trusting her family. So many people lived without anyone. Kaliska had a whole army of family and she needed to acknowledge that for once.

"How does it feel to be above ground?" That was a start. Kaliska cracked a smile. She couldn't start this conversation all sentimental. It wasn't her normal to start off in a way that could bring out tears.

Lucian didn't bother composing a laugh. It was loud and shook his whole body. His eyes softened to a natural color. "It took nearly year to be in a complete slumber. Rebekah's vampires were loud and talked about the more inappropriate things. I hope to meet a few of them just so I can torture them with things I heard." He smiled wide and suddenly nervous. "I ramble when nervous."

Pursing lips, Kaliska laughed, finding him funny in his own way. "So, that's a yes, on being above ground."

"Yes." Lucian smiled.

Both their broad shoulders loosened. Kaliska walked up to him, able to let go of Maia's hand for the first time. Moment of truth. Kaliska extended out her hand. "It's nice to meet you." Shiver ran up her arm, knowing she would touch him for the first time. Her hybrid was screaming to finally touch her father. This felt so right and so scary. Kaliska couldn't fake emotions. Offering her hand was a coward way.

Lucian smiled. He let his emotions show. A crimson tear dropped down his cheek. There was pride in his eyes. He'd helped create this beautiful woman. "I am overwhelmed by how strong and lovely you are and look." He took her smaller hand, embracing it.

This was the man who defied odds and created her into existence. Something that should have never happened for a vampire. His voice had been in her dreams. He'd given her the ability to fight and protect her family and friends. Kaliska let go, crimson tears sliding down her face. In a speed her adoptive parents would never get use to, Kaliska rushed her newly found dad, embracing him. He was a few inches taller, picking her up from the ground as he swung her to the side once. His eyes locked to Zara and she stepped in, running her hand over her daughters back, and cupped Lucian's cheek with her other hand. The hardship it took to get to here was rewarding at the end.

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