Chapter Eight

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   "My sister temper has grown shorter these last few months." Paulina pinched the bridge of her nose. She was concerned for Mona but would give her space to calm down.

   It was nearly five in the morning. The sun was not out, but the temperature had raised. "I should get Simeon home." She smiled, eyes warming to the sight of Iris.

   "Yes." Iris took a look to the sky as if cursing the sun to stay below. She smiled and accepted that Paulina needed to go home. She was vampire and the sun was her deadly allergy. It would be hard not laying beside her in the night, but Iris could sleep at any time and for little time. Being werewolf, it was natural to be restless. They slept mostly when hurt or after a big hunt.

   Paulina could see what was causing Iris to stay silent. She reached out, caressing her cheek. "I want many things for us too." She leaned in and kissed Iris lips softly. The movement was elegant with her red thin lips and gentle approach. She smiled when Iris melted into her touch. Only she could cause such warmth and current inside of Iris and her wolf.

    In a whisper, "Simeon." Paulina never turned from Iris, speaking to her progeny.

   He walked up, leaving his speed at normal pace. He was young, turned due to an uncontrolled accident. He was used as bait, Kaliska losing herself to her hybrid and nearly draining him dry. Paulina had made a choice and turning him was that choice she'd have to live with. He was a smart young man. He'd just turned eighteen and barely made it to adult hold when his s human life ended.

   His light brown skin was a contrast to his vampire blue eyes but, was beautiful to the night and the lights that danced around his skin. "Sire." He stood, patient and hungry by the look of it.

   Watching his eyes, she could see him straining to stay relaxed. He'd been hiding his hunger to everyone, but could never to her.

   "We are taking our leave," she said.

   "Yes, Sire." He said, barely moving his lips.

   She narrowed her brows. "Open your mouth?" She ordered.

   He looked frenzied between Paulina and Iris who was watching. In a pout, he opened his mouth, fangs there.

   Paulina smiled tightly. "My apologies. We should leave."

   Iris nodded, and smiled to the young vampire. "You sleep well."

   In a quick nod, Paulina said farewell and the left in supernatural speed.



Eyes heavy from being forced to stay awake, Mona stood against the wall. She had to stay awake. Sleep would not give them to satisfaction to attack with her eyes closed. She was hurt and hungry. They intended to have her starve. Mona needed to think of something before getting too weak.

She could reach Kaliska through her sire bond. Too far, Mona would not be able to telepathically communicate, but she could send a signal, alerting Kaliska she was in trouble. Footsteps came toward the door. Thinking fast, Mona shut her eyes tight, thinking of Kaliska and hoping she could feel her presence.

The door opened. Heat swarmed up Mona arms and she screamed as the sun hit her skin. Mac stepped through. The sun came through from the windows that landscaped across the hallways. He laughed, slowly shutting the door to take some of the sun away, only to open it again. Mac was teasing her with the hope of avoiding the sun. "I burned your sire in the sun. Enjoyed how it incinerated his skin. Blistered and charred. A beautiful sight."

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