Chapter Thirty-Five

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Iris tapped Kaliska's shoulder. "Hey. We're home. You should go clean up. I'll take care-"

"No." Kaliska lifted her head up, kissed Maia's forehead. "You have to wake up."

Maia groaned. Iris helped Kaliska carry Maia out of the car.

"You're okay." Jake ran up. "Thank goodness. Mom and dad were going nuts."

"Mom." Kaliska's voice came out broken. She allowed Iris to take most of Maia's wait. "I'll be right there." Kaliska never took her eyes off her brother. As if she'd called them out, Kaliska watched as her adoptive parents rushed around the corner. The moment she laid eyes on her mother, tears fell. She moved in unnatural speed, wrapping herself around her mother in astonishment and joy. Tears continued to fall as she cried harder than she had in a long time. "I thought...I thought..." Kaliska couldn't finish her words.

"Honey. We have been here sick and worried about you," her dad said, wrapping his arm around her and his wife. Jake leaped into the embrace.

It took a moment for Kaliska to contain her emotions. She pulled away, wiping her face. "I'm sorry. I'm losing it." She looked back when she heard her mate roar. Kaliska wanted to say so much. Tell her mom things she'd been holding in.

"Go honey," her mom said, wiping away her own tears. There was relief in her mothers eyes that was for more than her being back. It been perhaps almost two years since Kaliska gave her mom a proper hug. "We'll still be here."

Kaliska rushed to the shed. Iris was barely reaching the hard part of what she'd seen her mom, Zara do for her a few days before. Kaliska held her mates hand and when it was all over, Iris walked out. Maia passed out, after shifting back and forth twice to heal completely. Kaliska carried Maia into the bed, sitting up and leaning against the wall. Her feet dangled on the end of the twin size bed.

"I have so much I want to say." Kaliska combed her fingers through Maia's unkempt hair. The silky texture of her mates hair had a calming effect on her hybrid. Kaliska placed her hand over her stomach. Kaliska took in a long sigh and tears fell. "Damn. I'm never this emotional." Kaliska leaned down and kissed her mates forehead. "I'm not ready for this. I don't even understand what's going on and how fast-"

She silenced, wiping her tears when the door opened. It was Iris, carrying a large plate of food. Kaliska smiled and pointed for Iris to place the plate on the table.

"She will be okay," Iris said.

The last thing Kaliska wanted to do was tell anyone other than Maia what was to change. It was vital that they discuss this before everyone found out. Kaliska wasn't sure if Iris could sense anything different in her. If she did, Iris said nothing. "Thank you."

Nodding, Iris walked out.



"I was thinking of killing you. But, that would be too easy. And can't really do that, until you're in your body." Lucian put his sword away, not threatened by any of the darklighters of the Dark Fae. "It's unlike you to hide in a woman's body." Lucian had met this Dark Fae before. Faced him and thought burying him would be enough. He was wrong and too merciful that night. His daughter wanted Cynthia alive, and quite frankly so did Lucian. She was his friend.

"If you wish." The dark Fae shut Cynthia's eyes and her body dropped to the floor.

Lucian moved in speed no one could stop, grabbed Cynthia's body, and went back to where he first stood. "Thank you very much." He carefully handed her to a vampire nearby. Once the Dark Fae left Cynthia's body, he could no longer reenter. Getting the confirmation that the Dark Fae was back into his own body Lucian relaxed.

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