Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You come to tell me how foolish I am?"

Alyssa nodded. "Not at all." She studied him then turned away. "You've done that all on your own." She smiled, not showing that his disinterest in her hurt. Even if his wolf came to her every night, if Miles did not do the same, their potential mating bond would fall away, along with the devastation of her wolf's heart. For werewolves, finding your true mate was not something to dismiss. It could carry consequences when denied by a mate. It was never the wolves themselves that denied another, but the humane conscious.

Miles was about to let her walk off. He saw that she would no longer wait for him to acknowledge her as she did before. Zara's words rang in his head. Wolf growling through his human throat, Miles knew he was making a mistake. Kaliska was with her mate now, sharing a passion he'd never had with her. He knew deep down, she was never hers. It was his damn human thoughts that clouded him. His wolf would have went upstairs, pulling Kaliska away if she was his true mate. At the door of the front house, Miles called out to her. "Please, Alyssa."

Stopping at the door, she kept her hand on the knob. "Please what? Understand your feelings, because I no longer care to hear them. I've let you for months, tell me as if we are friends, how much you miss her. I tell my human mind to listen in hope you'll see the truth. And my wolf, shifts the moment you leave and kill anything within sight."

He hadn't thought through anything. The amount of anger Alyssa been holding in. Her wolf's aggressive behavior, he'd noticed increasing. Even now she growled. If he did not be careful with his words, she'd shift now. "I. I am sorry."

"For?" Her brows furrowed. She didn't want vague responses. "I am no longer ashamed of who I was last year. That part of me is over. I am stronger and no longer held back. And I overcome anything. No matter what happens." Every breath caused her wolf to snarl out frequently.

"I am sorry for being a child. For reacting emotionally like my father." He grimaced. "I might have different reasons behind why I've been acting the way I have, from my father, but the immaturity behind what it means to love. That's what my father lacked. The understanding."

Alyssa scrutinized Miles, eyes narrowing instead of softening. She nodded once and walked out. She would make him chase her. Werewolves loved the chase, not being easily caught. For Alyssa, she would make him work harder, to prove himself worth her and truly ready.

Smiling, Miles realized how foolish he'd been. To no one, her spoke. "I see you now."



"How far are we?" Paulina sneered, using her coat to cover Iris body. The blacken skin had extended over her entire right side, reaching below her breast and around to a small portion of her back. Iris skin was hot and feverish. Eyes shimmering in and out of her wolf's.

"A few minutes." Mona shut her eyes, reaching Kaliska with their bond. Making Kaliska and the wolves aware would move things along faster. "They know we're coming."

Iris pressed in Paulina, drawing from her strength to stay alive. She could feel heat burning out like a campfire no longer being fed. When they pulled up, Iris could no longer lift her head up. She collapsed like dead weight, Paulina having to lifting her body into her arms.

Running to the car, Zara snarled wanting to grab Iris from Paulina. Despite how much Zara tried to emotionally keep her distance, Iris was her older sister. Their father ran through both of them.

"I have her," Paulina sneered, like a mate on the edge of frenzy.

Trusting to keep her safe, Zara stepped back, giving her room. She guided them around the house, to the shed Zara recently built. It was meant for emergency care when it came to medical needs. It was easier to prevent blood from seeping into the floor and damaging the structure of the home. It was circled around trees to make any in need feel closer to the earth. Werewolves needed the assurance of that.

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