Chapter Twenty-Three

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   Laying over her mate, Kaliska tongue slid inside Maia's mouth. This kiss was wild and passionate, heart thumping in both their chest. Nothing was more pure than a werewolves mating bond. Tasting Maia's scent drove Kaliska to pure mating frenzy.

   They'd experienced passionate love making but for the first time, it was more. Their mating bond truly at its greatest. Maia nipped and sucked in Kaliska's upper lip, shuddering from the end result of her orgasm.

   Kaliska let her fingers linger inside Maia's wetness, continuing to lavish her with hungry kisses. "I could stay like this with you for days. Making you come and cry out. You are too unbelievably sexy."

   "Even though everyone can sense what we're doing?" Maia grinned. The shy intimate Kaliska no longer existed. She wanted everyone to know their mate bond was strong. Wanted to make sure everyone knew that their would be no chance of ever stepping between them.

   "I don't care who heard us. I want to have you like this, always." Kaliska breath caught when Maia's hand brushed her bare ass. Kaliska smiled down, greedily at her mate and moaned when Maia squeezed her firmly. She smiled, pressing her breast harder into her mates and staring down at their breast.

   "I can't wait to have a family with you."

   "Hopefully no more girls," Kaliska joked.

   "Why not? The women in your bloodline are always strong and the wisest leaders."

   Snorting, Kaliska rolled her eyes. "I'm a mess when it comes to leading. And we women...tend to attract the worst attention."

   In a dominant swift move, Maia twisted in top. She growled when Kaliska tried to take back control. "First. You were never taught how to live in this world but you are a natural leader. You only have to learn out ways. And second..." Maia smiled. "You're right. The women in your bloodline are screwed when it comes to trouble coming your way."

   Laughing, Kaliska buried her face in Maia's neck. Kaliska brushed her lips over Maia's flesh.

   Taking control, Maia moved, pinning her to the bed. "My turn."



   She smiled awkwardly, knowing that her daughter and best friend was upstairs making love. Not a sound and aura she wanted to sense but she was happy they were so in love. She sat in the dining room next to the kitchen.

   Miles walked in, after being told by Alyssa she wanted to speak with him. He sat across, grimaced in his eyes. He could sense her daughter too. He growled.

   "Did you truly fall for my daughter?" Zara wanted to ask. She knew he wasn't his father and wouldn't take action of jealousy like his father. But, his distraction toward their mating bond was bothering the pack. "Before I talk to you about why I called you in, let me make it clear. I keep you here because you are not your father and people here speak highly of you. Though, I am yet to be impressed and see your full potential."

   "So you want to belittle me," Miles growled. He lowered his eyes, realizing his attitude toward Zara was unwise. She was his Alpha.

   "You belittle yourself and future, wasting with bitterness." Zara took no offense to his growl. If she chastised for every reaction someone else made she'd be a unfair Alpha. All her wolves deserved to express their feelings as long as they did not overstep. "I see potential. And I see why you felt strong feelings for my daughter. She is all things any would desire. And she was the first person to make you feel different. She understood you and didn't carry the fear in her eyes of you one day turning out like your father. She got to see the real you. That is a special thing; you could still have."

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