Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A loud scream erupted from the basement, sobbing followed after. It took mere seconds to reach the basement door. Zara was seconds behind, as well as Maia.

"Don't open the door." Maia called to Kaliska as she griped the doorknob.

Wanting to go in and see her friend, Kaliska turned to her mate and mom, knowing they were experienced and she was not. Kaliska only seen the transition of a vampire through Simeon turning. This would be the first for a werewolf and it was her best friend Rosalie.

"Listen," Zara ordered. She walked beside and stared at Kaliska, making sure she was listening. "She is confused, lost, scared. Your friend is not in control."

"I want to see her." Mila was up at the top of the stairs.

"We have to stay up here," Kaliska heard Jake say.

Kaliska assured Mila everything would be fine and sighed, listening to Rosalie walking around in a pace.

"Use your nose," Maia said next, guiding Kaliska to use all her senses.

Taking in the aroma, Kaliska let the tinge of fear come from out of the room. Rosalie wanted to hide but there was no place in that basement to do so. "She's...a submissive wolf."

Maia nodded. "You go in their loud and filled with strong energy, you'll only scare her further. And there's nothing worse than a panicked new cub." She brushed her knuckles over Kaliska's cheek, giving her promise. "I turned her. My werewolf genes course though her blood. And Zara will be her Alpha. That will be our roles. She most understand that."

"You want me to wait upstairs?" Asking Kaliska to sit on the sidelines, the chances of her listening to anyone else, would have been zero. But this was her mate and her mom and Alpha, though she'd not join the pack. It would be hard leaving Rosalie alone but this moment wasn't about Kaliska. She didn't need them to answer. Looking at the door, wanting to burst inside, Kaliska turned and walked upstairs.

For an hour, Kaliska's hybrid ached, needing to see. It was new to be on the sidelines. Since joining this new life of hers, she'd always been in the middle of every decision, that circled around her. There was a time, Kaliska would have leaped at the chance of leaving big decisions to others and going out to shoot pool or running. This was a shift that her hybrid did not enjoy.

"You get use to it," Sean said. "When it comes to some things, it will only require the Alpha and her second on need to know basis. That is how things are. There is nothing wrong with that."

Alyssa huffed. "Yeah. It's a relief to not have to be apart of all the crazy choices they have to make."

Kaliska wasn't sure they were welcoming her into some special club Her hybrid din't see it as a good thing, being left in the dark. She wanted to be in there, helping Rosalie through her first shift. Sitting in the chair in the dining room, Kaliska noticed Mila fidgeting in the chair next to her. Calmly, Kaliska placed her hand on top her friends. "She'll be okay."

That seemed to calm Kaliska down. Here, she had another friend who needed her too. She pulled Mila into a hug as her best friend began crying in her arms. Maybe it was wise to learn to take a step back. She was no Alpha or second in a pack. She hadn't even claimed this pack. Not comfortable or whatever bull shit that stuck in the back of her head for not joining. She lacked connecting to the pack on an emotional level. Thinking hard on it now, Kaliska realized, she'd never held her friend like this before. Never cried in her arms either. How cold and distant had she been?

Several minutes pass, Mila wiping her face. "Gosh. We both must be losing it to let me cry on you."

Kaliska laughed, but it didn't reach her eyes. Silence filled the room. For once, Kaliska would take in this moment and cherish it. The pack all seemed to relax as soon as Kaliska did.

"I've missed spending time with you and Rosalie." Kaliska been staring off to a random location. Not getting a response, she looked to Mila realizing no movement in her. Not even the rise and fall of her chest or flickering of lashes. Looking around at the table, Sean, Alyssa, and a few others sat in the same frozen position.

Standing, Kaliska moved close enough to feel breath on her skin. None came out from Mila's lips but when she studied her eyes, she saw them dilated and widen. She was awake and aware, but unable to move. Her own eyes widening, Kaliska called to her mom and mate. No one called back.

Reminding herself to use all senses, Kaliska snarled picking up the scent of a Fae. She rushed outside. In her view stood Cynthia. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Cynthia only shook her head, standing in the dark. Her fangs were slit and sharp. Kaliska could make out every curve of it. Her eyes were wild. Kaliska squinted her eyes, reconsidering it to be Cynthia. It was her face, but not truly Cynthia. Kaliska learned that darklighters could play all types of tricks on the mind. This pseudo Cynthia took a step forward and was now only several feet from me. She was fast.

Heart pounding, Kaliska blinked more in confusion than fear. How did she move so fast? It was faster than any vampire Kaliska ever met.

"I did nothing," the woman sneered out. "But we did."

Kaliska expected more to expose themselves.

"Only two on opposite sides can activate an old runic power. Fae to Fae."

"See, that's where you lose me. I'm no Fae."

"True. But Fae magic lives in you." The woman smiled sinister. "Your father. A beguiling man, needed me once. He'd been murdered and I brought back to life. As alive as any vampire could be. And for that, my magic now lives inside him. That is why he was not truly burned by the sun. A trick of the mind." She licked her lips as if finding a delicious meal dangling over Kaliska's head. This woman probably did eat children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "What I gave him, is now inside you."

"Fine. Whatever it me I don't want it."

"That is not why I come." She moved so fast, Kaliska blinked and she was back with Sissy in her arms. Touching her seemed to pull Sissy out of this mind hold. "You are right. Children's blood is as divine and succulent as werewolf blood made as a slushi."

"Let her go," Kaliska snarled.

"I want you're father. He is bond duty to serve me. And once he is under my wing, I will have everyone following in his example."

"Why do you look like Cynthia?"

"Because, this is...Cynthia's body. She is half Fae and I am borrowing it." Fae magic was new to Kaliska but she knew now, it could be dark.

The only thing on her mind now was Sissy. If this dark Fae took Sissy, Kaliska knew they'd never get her back. This individual could run off and Kaliska not able to catch her.

"Take me instead." Kaliska only had one choice. It would be either her or Sissy. Being of value, Kaliska knew this Dark Fae wouldn't kill her. She didn't dare turn her head back, though wanting to say bye to her mate, family, and friends. "I will come, without resistance."

The dark fae smiled cunningly. She held her arm out, hand facing upward. "You come willingly?" she asked with a furtive grin.

Kaliska couldn't change her mind. She knew this Dark Fae had every intent on taking her. But why did she need consent? Taking one step forward, it was like swerving through the air like zip-lining. Their hands connected and a unpleasant wave shuddered though Kaliska's body as she suddenly felt could and numb. The last things she remembered hearing was Sissy, screaming away before I was taken away.

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