Chapter Thirty-Six

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Maia and Kaliska had ran off to bath in the pond. Dressed and comfortable enough to present themselves to the pack, Kaliska had to drag Maia to the main house. If it were all up to Maia, they'd hide in the shed a few days longer. Kaliska would be absurd not to admit she wanted to meet her father. It been all she thought about since before she knew he existed. Meeting Zara was amazing and overwhelming. Kaliska felt thankful to meet her and couldn't imagine life without her now. Meeting her father was a different feeling. It was a different kind of excitement. With her adoptive father, Kaliska always been closer to him. She was his little girl.

In the back of Kaliska's mind, she thought of those silly times when being a kind. Her friends and classmates being brought to school by their fathers. Or first dad and daughter dance, and carrying the same smile and eyes color. Kaliska didn't care too much for looks, but her personally never matched with neither of her adoptive parents. She loved them a lot but she didn't have their strong personalities and physical expressions. She carried much of Zara's looks but she always wanted to meet the man that gave her that spice and charm everyone seemed to say she got from her father. The way her brow would curl in disgust just like Lucian.

Kaliska eyes narrowed and she slowed her pace right before she turned the corner. "How do I look?"

The moon lit over Kaliska's skin. Maia admired her, stepping forward. Taking her time to soak in Kaliska's beauty, Maia brushed her knuckles down her mates cheek. "He won't care if you dress up in expensive clothing or some overalls. He's your dad. He only wants to see you."

"Yeah." Kaliska squished a rock into the dirt with her shoe in a nervous reaction. "Why hasn't he come to see me? I know he's here." At a small distance, Kaliska could hear the pack. Their quiet chatter and the cubs playful chasing and wrestling.

Maia took her hand. "Seeing him has to be your choice. I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Questions, that you haven't yet asked Zara."

There was a lot Kaliska wanted to say. Kaliska never felt emotionally ready to ask any questions. The weather was chilled tonight. Under normal circumstances the chill would never bother her. But it seemed being pregnant made her body more susceptible to the weather. She hoped to avoid getting a cold or flu. It was something she never experienced before.

Stalling, Kaliska sighed. "I don't know."

"We can hear you, little cousin." Sean was around the house but eavesdropping on her conversation with her mate.

Kaliska narrowed her eyes toward the house, moving close to her mate for warmth. Maia felt like a furnace. The chill in her body taken away, Kaliska hid her face into Maia's neck. "Let's go back into the shed."

"Only if you want to," Maia said, supportive of whatever decision Kaliska made.

"No," Kaliska groaned. "I need to meet him." Kaliska stood straight, holding her head high. She took her mates hand, using Maia as support to face the pack. "Hi, long lost pop. Oh, hi pack. Hi future gramps." Kaliska was mumbling to herself in sarcasm.

Maia squeezed her hand tight. "It will be okay. It has been a few years since a cub has been born. Our's will be greatly celebrated."

Stepping toward the front of the house, Kaliska saw Sean with Sissy cuddled into his chest, in a chair. Seemed they set up outdoor furniture. "Took you two long enough."

"Leave my mate alone." Maia's growl rumbled in a playful tone. "Or we'll show those cubs over there, what real wrestling looks like."

Sean laughed. "All right. Don't go making me look all weak in front of my little girl."

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