Chapter Fourteen

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Cynthia agreed to meet by midnight. There was a dinner party she was attending and wanted Kaliska to join her. Kaliska made it clear, her mate would attend. It was a formal attire. The last time Kaliska dressed up, it was prom. Not big on flashy outfits, Kaliska had nothing to wear.

In her mom, Zara's room, she held out a few gown. Kaliska's eyes went over the burgundy tint, admiring the dress. "I bought this last month. For you, actually."

Giving Zara a keen smirk. "Why?"

"It is accustom, when your child has mated, to send them off to consolidate their bond." Zara smiled cheeky. "With everything that has occurred. You and Maia never got that chance. It was a tradition, my grandfather began. It is time to continue that. Tonight, you will go and face your enemies with your mate. But after, Blue Moon has a reservation for you both."

Kaliska arched her brow. "Blue Moon."

"It is a werewolf owned Hotel." Zara smiled warmly. "I know, it has been difficult to transition from the human world to ours. And me coming back; adjusting. Let me do this for you both. Perhaps, you two can decide on few children. You are my only child."

Kaliska arched brow, her wolf pacing from the thought of that. She chuckled after a few seconds. "I don't think Maia and I can just pop out kids."

"You'd be amazed how organized the Breed world is. We do not live by human laws. We have our own government and within that, many werewolf children who are in need of parents."

This was not something she expected to talk about with Zara or anyone. Especially, not her adoptive mother. Kaliska had never desired kids. Her hybrid on the other hand, craved the idea. She could feel her hybrid wanting to love a young cub. Being around Sissy, made that evident. But Kaliska and Maia discussed this and they saw no reason to have children. Kaliska didn't want to disappoint Zara, so she said nothing.

Dressed, Iris came in to do Kaliska's hair and when all was finished, they made Kaliska feel like she was on the way to her wedding.

"You both know I'm going to meet Cynthia. Not say my I do's?" I grinned.

Iris smacked Kaliska's butt. "Get down. Maia is waiting."

Kaliska wiggled her brows and left the room in vampire speed. When she was at the last step, Maia was standing in black slacks, a white v-neck shirt and blazer. Her dark hair looked wet, crinkled and seductive. The way Maia's eyes stared at Kaliska as if she was the only one present, sent chills through Kaliska's body. Mascara and eyeliner darkened her eyes to help with her allure, not that she needed the help. Her dress shoes was as sharp and classy as her outfit, a necklace and earrings to match the shine. She wore a nose ring, that Kaliska never seen her wear before.

Maia held her hand out. Her eyes went over every layer of Kaliska's body. "We'll make sure they all know who to fear; all while being admired." Maia grinned, her dimple letting Kaliska know she was excited for the evening. "I am so proud to be your mate." So close, Maia brushed a kiss over Kaliska's cheek. The pack was watching.

From the pack, Kaliska's adoptive parents approached. Her mom looked amazed, tears in her eyes. "Oh God. You know how many times I tried to convince her to put on a dress." She was speaking to everyone. "I see now; my mistake was expecting you to be a certain way. They make you comfortable to just be."

The look in Frank's eyes was of love and guilt.

Seriously, what was with everyone? She wasn't about to die or experience a life changing event. Unless someone was leaving something out. Kaliska didn't know how to absorb all their emotions. Suddenly, her adoptive parents was opening up. Kaliska couldn't reach out and hug them. That was too scary to do.

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