Chapter Four

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Seeing Arran, one of her closet friends throw himself at Iris, was too much to watch. Paulina didn't know how to compete with that. She thought she could face Iris and not be so overwhelmed.

Their meeting was postponed for perhaps an hour or two. Rather than watch Arran flirt his way into Iris heart, Paulina preferred to leave.

Running in vampire speed, goosebumps raised in her arms. Sensing being followed, Paulina slowed enough knowing who was coming. She considered taking off faster but chose to stop instead. No point in procrastinating the inevitable. Iris probably moved on by now and wanted to explain herself.

Iris leaped into human skin. Her body was laminated in that ivory tone that always seemed luminous enough for Paulina to want to brush her fingers over. Beauty was a small word compared to how much radiated out. It was hard not to look. From the swell of her breast. The curve of her hips. Flatness of her belly. The pulse bouncing at her neck. The scent of her. Paulina was smothered in Iris's presence.

"Arran is just a long ago friend. Nothing ever happened between us. I'm sure...if it was up to him...I would be singing a different story." Iris decided to get down to the root of why Paulina ran off.

Paulina shrugged. Iris seemed to make her feel outside of normal behavior. Paulina's composed demeanor feeling fraud to her now. "I uh..." she shook my head. "It's none of my business."

"Don't do that," Iris said. She took a step.

For a split second, Paulina thought her heart decided to start beating again. Nervous, "I have no claim to you."

"You do. My heart belongs to you. I wish..." Iris sighed.

"We are so different, Iris."

"So was Zara and Lucian. And yet...years apart...their love still seeps onto so many others." Iris kept her distance. "I love you."

Paulina's eyes widen. That was the last thing she expected to hear. "Iris." she shook her head.

Holding her hand out, Iris hoped Paulina would take what she was offering. "I love you. I don't need anyone else. I don't need flings and old flames. You are the woman I have been only wanting. The desolation and spurning of you not believing is a hardship I can no longer stand."

This time, Iris did step closer. Paulina was tired of her own fears. It was evident, Iris was tired of it too, but not enough to walk away. "What if—Iris. I don't know what to do with all this. I'm not as experienced..."

Gracefully, Iris brushed her fingertips down Paulina's cheek. The move was so intensive, if Paulina was capable, her skin would have flushed into wild strawberry's. "I don't need you to be anyone but yourself. I'm not expecting magic tricks. Or that you won't make mistakes. Or I, won't make mistakes. I'm only asking you to want me the way I want you. To act on it."

"That's a big request," Paulina said.

"I know," Iris acknowledged. "Look." Her eyes locked to Iris's. "Either you love me or you don't. And I'm willing to wait if you need time. But taking time and running are two different things. My wolf can't handle you running from me much longer. I will chase you, Paulina. So tell me now, that your heart does not belong to me. And I will let you go."

Paulina's mouth opened and then closed. She didn't want to hurt Iris. Not anymore. "I know I'm terrible at this."

"This. What do you want this to be?"

Despite having Iris naked in front of her, they were both mature and serious to focus on the bigger situation that was a barrier. Paulina wasn't giving Iris her all. She kept making excuses and using her past as a reason not to go forward. Paulina was acting like Mona. She liked to tease Paulina on a regular.

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