Nothing Like Annie (Tony & Pepper x Reader)

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Request/Prompt: Hi i would to request that tony and pepper wanted a kid and they adopted a sweet, insecure and chubby 8 years old kid reader.

Warnings: Just insecurities listed 

Requested By: iamKhrfan123

A/N: I am not dead lol

Could consider P2 if people want it


You were eight years old living in an orphanage for little girls. Soon, you'd be transferred out of this one into the 'older kids' orphanage on the other side of New York. You didn't want to go there, that was the place where no one got adopted.

Those kids were sent to foster homes, most likely coming back after a few months to share a few stories about how they were treated. Whether it be good or bad, people always found out. Usually, that decided if one of the kids went back to a home or were just kept in the orphanage. 

It scared you to pieces. You were young, innocent, and barely got to experience the world. Well, you did get to watch the movie Annie over and over, it didn't help your thought process of the new orphanage one bit. 

You didn't have many friends here, all of your true friends had been adopted. Y/F/N (pick a blonde friend), the pretty blonde, was first to go. She/He got adopted by a lovely couple visiting from Michigan. You hadn't heard from him/her since.

Y/F/N (pick a brunette), the brunette that used to help you with your insecurities, was adopted afterwards. He/She was taken to another country by a rich couple who had already adopted a few other children. He/She would write to you occasionally, explaining how they took her around the world and that someday, she/he'd come back to visit if they let her/him.

All you knew was that he/she was happy now and that's all you could wish for. Especially if you were going to be moved to the big kids orphanage in a year. Ms. Kelly, the lady who ran the orphanage, pokes her head into the dining room. Her eyes were scanning each child as if looking for a specific one.

You two lock eyes and you quickly look away, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. You start to play with your fingers, hoping that she hadn't seen you. Ms. Kelly understood that you were a shy, nervous little kid. So she made it her goal to show every parent that walked through the doors you first, trying to get you out of your shell. 

The room around you seems to fall into a hush, but you don't look up. You don't even look up with two people sit across from you. From their shoes, they looked like a rich couple. They'd probably be polite for a little while and then go try to adopt Y/E/N (your enemy name). That booger. 

"Y/N?" A female nervously whispers. You swallow the lump in your throat, bite your lip, and slowly look up at the couple. It was a red head woman who held the hand of a brunette man. They both smiled at you and you offer a shy one in return. "Ms. Kelly tells us that you like to color?"

"Y...yeah." You nod. "I love to."

"And read?" The man adds. 

"Uhm." You nod again. "It's what keeps me busy, as Ms. Kelly says, because I have no more friends left."

"I know the feeling." The man whispers under his breath, yet you still catch it.

"My name is Pepper." The woman smiles at you.

"Like what I put on eggs?" You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. The man laughs while placing his hand on his chest, Pepper glares at him before smiling at you again.

"Yes." She replies. "Ignore him, he's stupid."

"Ms. Kelly says that's a bad word." You state.

"Right she is." The man coughs, regaining his composure. "I'm Tony, Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Finally?" You inquire.

"Yes, we've been talking to Ms. Kelly for a very long time." Pepper chuckles. "It's been pushed around because of him, but we're finally here to meet you."

"Well....then nice to meet you too....finally." You reply. 

"Y/N, we have a question for you." Tony states while placing his hands on the table. "How would you feel if you came to live with us for a while?"

"Like a foster home?" You demand, your voice growing higher. "No...I don't wanna go to the big kids orphanage's bad there-"

"Y/N, sweetheart, it's okay." Pepper quickly interrupts you. "We were thinking something a little more permanent, remember Tony's just that bad word."

"Oh...what's per...permenant mean?" You question. (I know it's misspelled that's how you said it, so really it's your fault reader)

"It means until we die." Tony states.

"What?" You cry.

"Tony!" Pepper scolds.

"Sorry, it means for a very long time." Tony elaborates while running his hand through his hair. "Till you're older...?"

"Like...adopt me?" You whisper.

"Yes, like adopt you." Pepper smiles. "So, Y/N, do you want to be adopted by us?"

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