One Chance P2 (Peter Parker x Reader)

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Prompt: After saving Peter,like you were not supposed to do, you have to deal with the rest of the Avengers but maybe things will be completely worth it when the certain Spider opens his eyes.

Warnings: Maybe slight swearing...

A/N: This is part two to One Mistake (Peter x Reader)

"I can't believe you!" Steve shouts while pacing across the floor. "Do you know what could have happened? You could have gotten injured beyond repair...or worse!" 

"Steve, come on," Tony sighs. "I sent in tranquilizers. Give the kid a break, she/he was just trying to save Peter." 

"At the cost of her own life?!" Steve shouts. You continue to gaze across the table towards your mom, who hadn't said a word to you since you'd arrived back at the tower with Clint....who was now in the seat next to you receiving her deathly glare. 

"Uncle Steve." You finally speak up. "If I wouldn't have done something, Peter would have died. I'd have to life with that my entire life! Seeing his empty locker, his empty chair in classes, and above all not seeing him here. I knew that I couldn't live with myself, especially when I have the skills to do something. Isn't that what you all taught me? Isn't that what we do?"

"We don't put ourselves in danger like that, Y/N." Steve shakes his head. "You are sixteen years-"

"We put ourselves in danger every day!" You interrupt while standing from your chair, causing it to fly back against the wall. "Christ, yesterday you sent me in with an agent that doesn't even know how to load a gun! How is that any different?!"

"We didn't know the agent didn't know how to load a gun, Y/N." Clint coughs. "He was reprimanded after your mission." 

"It's the same thing though!" You continue. "Just as if I was by myself." 

"No!" Steve yells.

"Steven." Your mother finally speaks up, her voice oddly and scarily calm. Slowly, everyone turns to look at Natasha, though her face stayed neutral. "Y/N is alive, she's my daughter and I know she can handle herself. She was looking out for another agent, she has the skills. Let her be an agent." 

"Thanks mom." You breathe. 

"But you are still grounded." She replies while finally turning to look at you. "Two weeks." 

"Can I..." You bite your lower lip. "Can I still go visit Peter?"

"As long as he's in the tower." She replies. "I mean, you do have to make sure the people you save are alive and well." 

"Oh, thanks mom!" You cry while running around the table. By the time you reach her side, she's already standing and pulling you into her arms. You two hug for a little longer before you both pull away and you run out of the room, obviously going to check on Peter. 

Steve looks at the door then to Natasha with an expression of pure surprise. "Are you kidding me?! I was in the middle of giving a lecture."

"You were in the middle of losing an argument." Tony rolls his eyes. "Nat just saved you from losing a hundred missions or something."

"What?" Steve mumbles.

"I get what he means." She rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Stark." 

One Week Later 
*Time Skip brought to you by Steve learning to poka*

You rush down the hall, your backpack hitting your back with every step. You skid through the kitchen, waving to whoever was in there, and ignore the laughter that follows you. Instead of taking the elevator, you rush down the stairs, jumping over railings at times just to get to your destination faster.

Finally, you push on floor thirty-seven's door and rush through another hall. At last, you stop at a door and knock before letting yourself in. Peter smiles and waves to you, which you quickly return. You shut the door behind you and sit down on the seat that was always reserved for you.

"So, how was school?" Peter coughs.

"Bleh." You groan. "I brought you chemistry and spanish."

"Yay." He sarcastically replies. 

"I also brought a lego death star thing from Ned, a sandwich from that place you took me to, and your lap top." You smile while piling everything onto his bed. He smiles back and grabs the sandwich.

"Thanks, all Bruce has been feeding me is soup and anything else that's close to liquid form." Peter shudders and you chuckle. 

"I figured. He did that to me when I got shot a few missions ago." You shrug.

"Yeah, but you got shot in the stomach, so it was fair." Peter scoffs and takes a bite of his sandwich, handing half to you with a smile and some lettuce on his face. 

"You got stabbed." You quip before taking a bite yourself. "Same difference." 

Peter rolls his eyes. "How's May?" 

"I've been able to convince her with numerous videos and pictures that you're okay." You chuckle. "She calls almost every hour, I got my phone taken a lot so she started calling the school and forcing them to let me talk to her." 

"Sorry." Peter cringes, the piece of lettuce still stuck on his face. You shake your head, trying to say that it was no big deal, before standing. You lean in and grab the lettuce off his cheek, your breathing slow and steady out of nerves. 

You stop yourself from pulling away, your eyes locked on his, as he slowly sets down his sandwich. "C-can I?" Peter stutters while placing his shaking hands on your shoulders. You don't answer, instead, you close the distance between the two of you and kiss him with all the emotions that you had been feeling for the past week. 

The hurt at seeing him in so much pain, the happiness to see him alive, the loneliness, the sadness, and everything else in between. Peter immediately reacts and kisses you with just as much passion and it's a while before the two of you pull away. 

Both of you are breathing hard with your cheeks as red as a cherry. You chuckle and tuck your hair behind your ear, looking away from him out of embarrassment. "Sorry, I got a little carried away. I just missed you and-"

Peter interrupts you by pulling you to him once again, smashing his lips onto yours. This time, you pull away a lot sooner with a huge smile on your lips. "Don't be sorry." Peter chuckles. "I've been waiting to do that for a very long time." 

"Me too." You whisper. Slowly, you lean in for a sweet kiss, not wanting to ruin the moment that was set forth. You both were so busy that you didn't even hear the door open. 

"Oh come on!" Steve screams, causing you both to jerk apart. "I leave for five minutes, I am so telling your mom!"

"Steve!" You whine.

"Nope, no! I will not have this under my roof!"

"Jesus, you're more like a mom than mom is." 

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