She's Gonna Pop! (Avengers x DRUNKReader)

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Prompt: You and Tony hang out...and drink

Warnings: Excessive alcohol consumption

Requested By: sweet_blue_me

A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for?

It had been a rough mission, you and Tony seemed to be the only ones who escaped it with minor scratches and that was only because Tony had grabbed you and flew you both out of a collapsing wing just in time.

The others thought you both had gotten stuck in it because comms were down, so they all tried to rush that way and ended up getting ambushed. As many times as they would try to say that it wasn't your fault, you and Tony blamed yourselves immensely. 

So here you two were, drinking away your sorrows with Tony's expensive whiskey down in the lab while Friday fixed Tony's suit that had gotten damaged in the mission prior. You both were pretty intoxicated as the minutes ticked by but neither of you showed any intentions of stopping. 

"Tony." You sigh and bring the bottle to your lips while looking at the billionaire. "Why are we screw ups?"

"I don't know Y/N," Tony mumbles while drinking from his own bottle. "Oh, son of a bitch! I can't even have Friday build a suit right!"

"What's wrong?" You slur.

"It looks pregnant!" Tony roars while walking towards it, intending to hit it with his bottle.

"Tony, stop!" You scream.

"What?" He demands.

"It is pregnant." You breathe before stumbling over to his side. "Remember Bucky was down here alone a few months ago, he was...making noises."

"I don't remember-"

"I am a woman!" You screech. "I know when another woman is going through the pain of birthing a child!" 

"That's not a word." Tony deadpans.

"I do not give a fuck!" You reply. 

"We must go and tell Bucky the news!" Tony suddenly gasps. "He'll be so proud that he's a father and so will the team, that they'll forget about us!"

"Yes!" You gasp too. "Hurry! Before she pops!" 

"And to think, I was riding inside a she...hehe, what's new?" 

"Tony, shut up." 

**Time skip brought to you by Thor filming a commercial for pop tarts.**

You and Tony raced to the main living area where most of the Avengers sat, watching the news to see if there were any problems with the area where they had left. Immediately, everyone turns to see you and Tony running in, both out of breath and beat red.

"What's wrong?" Steve demands while standing, his right arm in a sling.

"B-bucky." You breathe.

"What did I do?" Bucky demands, only Bruce seems to be the person who notices the whiskey bottles clutched in both you and Tony's hands.

"His secret girlfriend." Tony shakes his head. "She's pregnant in the lab and is gonna...gonna-"

"Gonna pop!" You screech.

"Wait, what?" Steve angrily turns to look at Bucky. "You've been here for less than three months!" 

"Guys." You interrupt. "No time, lab!"

"Alright, alright." Clint sighs. "We're coming, we're coming."

Needless to say, everyone thought it was quite hilarious that you and Tony had thought his suit was pregnant. Clint and Natasha both took you back to your room with you mumbling about how much it must've hurt Bucky know...make the kid. Tony had just immediately passed out once you left and both of the soldiers took him to his room with ease.

Let's just say that the team made sure that you two were never left alone after a mission.

Ever again

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