The Winner Takes It All(Avengers x Reader)

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Prompt: So Tony gets this idea and Steve becomes the father we all thought he would

Requested by: TimeLord9 

Warnings: When she sent this I broke and it was hilarious, so I grace you all with this

Note: I hate myself, oh my god

"Okay, you all know the plan?" Tony questions while sitting down on the couch, slowly you close your book and look at him in confusion. "Right, you're new here."

"Yeah, hi." You sarcastically reply. 

"We're doing this thing where we're trying to see how angry we can make our Captain." Clint chuckles. "I'm obviously winning."

"Wait, how?" You chuckle. 

"Just watch and learn, Bruce?" Tony smirks just as Steve walks into the room with his iPhone, his face scrunched in confusion. 

"What's up, Steve?" You question with a smile as Bruce stands to walk towards the back of the room, his eyes glued to his watch.

"Tony texted me to come quickly and I do not understand how to reply." Steve shakes his head and pockets the phone. "What was so urgent Tony?"

"I just wanted to talk about something with you," Tony states while gesturing to the couch across from him, Steve slowly sits while staring at him in confusion. Surprisingly Tony's face is completely serious as if a team member died or something.

"What's the matter?" Steve questions.

"I have to tell you that....I have not voted." Tony states. 

"You just missed this election? That's alright but next-"

"Ever." Tony interrupts. Steve opens his mouth and then closes it, he opens it again and stares at Tony, gaping.

"You are joking....right?" Steve slowly questions after licking his lips. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion but chose not to say anything.

"Nope." Tony chuckles. "Haven't even walked into one of those places where you can."

"Anthony Edward Stark." Steve slowly states while standing. "The democratic process is so important! You do realize how much your ancestors fought for this right, correct?! I mean come on, Tony! You of all people should know how dangerous it is for people to give up their say in the government!

"I mean, we just got over this!" Steve yells. "My god, Tony! We've talked about this you know, I seriously can't believe you. Look at the guidelines you are setting for Y/N!"

"I uh, can already vote." You sheepishly state while watching Tony out of the corner of your eyes, it was obvious that Tony was trying to keep a straight face throughout the whole fiasco. 

"And now you may stop because this billionaire who thinks he's 'cool' isn't voting!" Steve whines. "Look at what he could do with the snap of his fingers! Tony, you are going to bring us backward!" 

Slowly, you turn to look at Bruce who was still watching the watch on his wrist with a small smile on the corner of his lips. You slowly lick yours and turn your attention back to Steve who was still yelling. Finally, he seems to just give up.

"You know what? I need to cool down." Steve finally announces. "I....This is not over, you hear me Stark? You and I are going to have a long chat!"

With that, Steve leaves the room and a door slams from somewhere down the hall. A few seconds pass and soon everyone is bursting into laughter all around you. You chuckle but are still completely confused about what was happening.

"Only a minute thirty," Bruce announces while shaking his head. "Barton still wins."

"No!" Tony whines as Clint waves around a little trophy with Steve's angry expression on it.

"Did you make that?" You demand.

"Yes." Tony laughs before clapping Clint on the shoulder. "Well played, I will get you though Barton."

"Can't wait to see the day." Clint rolls his eyes.

"Wait!" You call as everyone begins to disperse. "How did Clint win?"

"He convinced Steve that he doesn't pay his taxes and has been taking money from the government." Tony shakes his head. "It was seriously my idea and Clint stole it." 

"Shut up, Stark." Clint shakes his head. "I won."

"Alright." You laugh while standing. "I'm going to try this."

"Are you kidding? What are you going to do?!" Bruce questions.

"You know how Steve hates bad guys?" You inquire.

"Yeah?" Tony raises his eyebrows.

"I'm only eighteen." You smirk. "Wonder how he's going to feel when I say that I'm dating a...hmmm....Hydra agent perhaps? Maybe slipped up? He might be a grandpa....that sounds good."

"You wouldn't," Clint whispers.

"Bruce? Mind timing for me?" 

"My pleasure."

Let's just say that you were in Steve's room for three solid hours, each minute listening to Steve ranting about how irresponsible this was and how disappointed Steve was in you. You won the trophy and food from Tony for having to go through that whole fiasco with the grandpa.

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